Working on a DnD 5e OGL Powercard, trying to assign an inline roll to an attribute. I know I have this completely wrong but don't know what to do to fix it. !power {{ --charid|@{selected|character_id} --target_list|@{target|token_id} --emote|@{selected|character_name} Casts a
Spell! --emotefont|font-family:
"Algerian"; font-weight: bold; --txcolor|#7fff00 --bgcolor|#440000 --corners|10 --border|5px solid #000 --erowtx|#000000 --erowbg|#00ffff --orowtx|#ffff00 --orowbg|#006400 --name|@{selected|character_name} Casts Cure
Wounds on @{target|character_name} --!Cure| [$Lvl1] ?{ Level|1st Level, [[ 1d8 +
@{selected|wisdom_mod}]]|2nd Level, [[ 2d8 + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]]|3rd
Level, [[ 3d8 + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]]|4th Level, [[ 4d8 + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]]
} }} !modbattr --charid @{target|character_id} --hp|+[[$Lvl]!!!
{{description= HP recovered }}
Would appreciate some help...