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Volo's Monsters don't appear in journal

I have purchased a number of packs and books, and they generally appear in the journal tab. I finally figure out that you can search for the monsters in the Compendium tab... but how do I get them into the journal? DO I have to create a character sheet and then drag them on to each one? Seems ridiculous if I have bought a book because it has "130 started monsters" that are then hidden and buried. What is the point of the map page with the tokens then? I read through the Volo's bug thread, but that was 3 years old and now closed. I didn't see an answer to my question. Any thoughts?

Edited 1598397525
If you find a monster in the compendium, you can drag the token directly from there onto the map. At that point it will copy the monster from the compendium to the journal. If there is a map page with tokens on, then double-clicking on a token should open the relevant monster page (it might even copy the entry as above.)
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If you purchase a module or addon that has a token page, the linked creatures should also be in your journal. If you purchase a compendium expansion, ex: Volo's, they will natively lie in your Compendium. Dragging one into the VTT will create a copy in your journal. If you already have a monster in your journal with the same name, dragging from the compendium will instead drag a copy from your journal onto the VTT, to prevent accidental overwriting of any customization. The reason these things do not automatically appear in your journal is that the journal only shows items that are in your game. When you launch your game everything in the journal tab is loaded into memory. That could get huge fast. The Compendium tabs shows you the things that you can load into your game. Also, double-clicking on a token will open the token settings. Shift double-clicking will take you to the linked character's bio page, and alt double-clicking will bring up the character sheet.
Farling said: If you find a monster in the compendium, you can drag the token directly from there onto the map. At that point it will copy the monster from the compendium to the journal. If there is a map page with tokens on, then double-clicking on a token should open the relevant monster page (it might even copy the entry as above.) Thanks! In this case it doesn't actually link to anything, it just opens the blank token option page. I have been able to drag and drop from the compendium. I guess I was just used to having monsters in there because they were all from added modules. I wish the tokens were actually active and filled. :(
keithcurtis said: If you purchase a module or addon that has a token page, the linked creatures should also be in your journal. If you purchase a compendium expansion, ex: Volo's, they will natively lie in your Compendium. Dragging one into the VTT will create a copy in your journal. If you already have a monster in your journal with the same name, dragging from the compendium will instead drag a copy from your journal onto the VTT, to prevent accidental overwriting of any customization. The reason these things do not automatically appear in your journal is that the journal only shows items that are in your game. When you launch your game everything in the journal tab is loaded into memory. That could get huge fast. The Compendium tabs shows you the things that you can load into your game. Also, double-clicking on a token will open the token settings. Shift double-clicking will take you to the linked character's bio page, and alt double-clicking will bring up the character sheet. Shift or ctrl won't pull up any character sheet, but I can drag from the compendium. Thanks for the assist!
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Can you give an example of a token from a module's token page that doesn't have a character sheet attached? That should be fixed.
Any of the tokens. 
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That's a start. A few more things more would help. First, a screen shot of the token setting on one of those. Second, the name of the module (I'm guessing Tomb of Annihilation?) Third, did you create the game by selecting the module at game creation time? Fourth, what sheet did you choose at game creation time? D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet is preferred, Shaped 5e should have worked, anything else will fail, unless it was built directly from the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet Legacy sheet.
First, thanks for all your help. You, sir, rock.  Second, It's from Volo's Guide. I didn't add a module because I'm making my own. I should have just added one of my modules to get the tokens, but I figured with Volo's I'd have them all so it wouldn't be an issue.  Third, yes I did use the 5 sheet. Last, the screen shot is what comes up when I shift+double click. 
Forum Champion
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OK, that looks odd, then. You should be able to pull a Brontosaurus (or any creature) from your Compendium to the desktop. This action should create a journal entry with linked token, and the token on the desktop should be linked to the creature. The fact that it is not linked to the sheet means that some step has been skipped or is not being done properly. The only way I can see that you would get a result like this is if you were opening the creature by clicking on the Compendium entry and dragging the token to the desktop from that window. Or possibly, once the entry is already in your journal, opening the sheet and dragging the token from the sheet instead of the journal tab. Try this: 1. Create a brand new game, using the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet. 2. Click on the compendium tab and type "Brontosaurus" in the search field. An entry for Brontosaurus should appear in the list. 3. Drag from that list to your map area. A token should appear, a sheet should open up. They should be linked to each other. Likewise, a new entry should appear in your journal tab for Brontosaurus. Dragging from that entry should drag a new instance of the Brontosaurus to your map area. It should literally be: drag to desktop and it's in your game and ready to go.