So I have a created attributes on a 3.5 char sheet (I know...everyone groans...) called 00spellSlot01...00spellSlotnn. Using ChatsetAttr, this works: /w gm "@{selected|character_name}" [@{selected|00spellSlot02}](!setattr --sel --00spellSlot02|Used) While this gives the message in chat that you would expect to see upon success (Setting 00spellSlotxx to Used for character abc) but when you check the attribute, it has not been set to the desired value and is, in fact, unchanged: ?{Level| 0,?{Spellslot| 00spellSlot01| 00spellSlot02| 00spellSlot03| 00spellSlot04} | 1,Dork } [CAST](!setattr {{ --sel --?{Spellslot}|Used }} ) So what am I doing wrong?