actually, that should work just fine for players, for the GM on the other hand, not so much. Well anyways, my idea was to improve on the Orb of Darkness spell for D&D 5e. In the means of just dropping a token Over top of all the other ones, and then you can have your players Under said token just use Ctl/Cmd + A , and then use their Arrow keys for movements. Everything would be fine for not restricting movement, macros or Sheet use would be the attacks, but now the DM cant see under the tokens either without revealing all of it lol. I suppose the DM could move enemy tokens to the GM layer and still have sight on them for their formations, but then theres the question of how to pinpoint the Character...hmmm.. I suppose they already get Disadvantage on the attacks anyways, so the DM could just theater of mind it himself on how close the actual player is.