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Help in making a roll template for multiple results from a roll


Edited 1598885904
Daniel T.
Sheet Author
Hello. I'm making a character sheet for a system where it works like this: The player rolls a pool of d6 and then have to count the following results: - How many dice rolled 5 or 6; - How many dice rolled between 2 and 4; - How many dice rolled 1. So far, I've decide to make three separate rolls with the same pool in order to count the 3 results. But how do I count the dice rolled between 2 and 4? I know I can compare the end summed result to that, but not count the dice. I couldn't find on the Dice Reference how to compare each dice in a pool to a value between two numbers. Any tips?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
If you designate 13 as crit failures , and 6 as crit sucess, I think you can with roll templates and possibly Reuse Rolls figure out a way to display each. Wit reuse rolls I think you could get the amount of crit fails/success, and then deduct the number of crit sucesses from normal rolls to get how many rolls ended up in the middle range. Alternatively, you could use roll tables in those rolls instead. With three options, 1 entry with weight 3(representing 1-3), 1 entry with weight 2(4-5), and last 1 with weight 1(representing 6). With that, the odds of rolling each of the three "sides" are right, and it gets easy to display how many of each was rolled even in an inline roll using roll templates. Think having the rolls sorted would also help.
Daniel T.
Sheet Author
Thanks, Andreas. And sorry in advance, I've edited my question because I had written wrong the system. But your answer still applies anyway. I will try these approaches.

Edited 1598887415
Daniel T.
Sheet Author
One question: can I create a roll table on the character sheet code? I thought tables and macros could only be created outside the sheets.  I want the players to just click a roll button and the sheet code do all the work.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Don't think so. The a roll table with the exact name as used in the roll macros would need to be created in each game it's used in, and then the GM needs to set it so it's available to all players for it to work for them. You could maybe make an API that creates the table, but that isn't going to help save much time for pretty much anyone at all.
Richard T.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
📜🗡Andreas J.🏹📜 said: If you designate 13 as crit failures , and 6 as crit sucess, I think you can with roll templates and possibly Reuse Rolls figure out a way to display each. Wit reuse rolls I think you could get the amount of crit fails/success, and then deduct the number of crit sucesses from normal rolls to get how many rolls ended up in the middle range. Alternatively, you could use roll tables in those rolls instead. With three options, 1 entry with weight 3(representing 1-3), 1 entry with weight 2(4-5), and last 1 with weight 1(representing 6). With that, the odds of rolling each of the three "sides" are right, and it gets easy to display how many of each was rolled even in an inline roll using roll templates. Think having the rolls sorted would also help. Wait-- wait , what is this Reuse Rolls that you failed to link, Andreas!?

Edited 1599382797
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The Reusing Rolls trick is descriped here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;(there are a few more related posts later on the topic in that thread). But it wont be helpful for this particular question.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Daniel T. said: Hello. I'm making a character sheet for a system where it works like this: The player rolls a pool of d6 and then have to count the following results: - How many dice rolled 5 or 6; - How many dice rolled between 2 and 4; - How many dice rolled 1. So far, I've decide to make three separate rolls with the same pool in order to count the 3 results. But how do I count the dice rolled between 2 and 4? I know I can compare the end summed result to that, but not count the dice. I couldn't find on the Dice Reference how to compare each dice in a pool to a value between two numbers. Any tips? You wont be able to do this without the API, or a rolltemplate method. To expand on Andreas's rolltable suggestion, create a table with 3 items: Value 100, weight 2 Value 10, weight 3. Value 1, weight 1 If you call the table, roll , you'd called it like /roll 6t[roll] /roll ?{Number of Dice?|1}t[roll] And it will show the result something like this: 204 114 and so on The first number is the number 5-6 results; the second number is the 2-4 results, and the last number is number of ones.
Daniel T.
Sheet Author
But again, creating rollable tables is outside of the sheet's code, right? So, as I'm understanding, just using sheets this is not possible to make.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, thats correct - each GM would need to create the tables. There's no way that I can think of to report the three numbers you need with basic macros.&nbsp;