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Trying to Become a Creator

Hi, I've tried (a couple of times) to become a creator by submitting the form via the Marketplace Creator HQ link, but I haven't heard back from either confirming or rejecting the application submission. How long does it usually take to get a confirmation from Is anyone else running into this problem? It's been more than a week since my second application submission. I wouldn't normally have used the forums to try to get in touch with whoever may be in charge of the application process, but I haven't found any other way to contact besides submitting messages through the web form.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
There have been some recent changes in the structure of the department, and some still ongoing. One of the downsides is that inquiries are being answered slowly at the moment. I'll see what I can find out.
@keithcurtis Thanks for looking into it! I appreciate the effort from you and I hope to start making content really soon!
Marketplace Creator
Hi, I finished the complete creator setup 1 week ago and if ya'd like can list the things I did and should have done better to speed the process. Most important point IMO. Apply as though you were both applying for a job and submitting for peer review on an "exclusive" marketplace. I emailed the marketplace support with 1. a brief cover letter style introduction that stated my intent to sell and my experience with previous digital marketplaces. Example, I develop for unity asset store as well, which follows similar conduct and product vetting systems. This is a positive in proving past professional conduct. Naturally you may include your website links, a resume attachment, ect. 2. I included 5 work sample attachments with my email. I do character work mostly, so I showed off a character heavy illustration, a character concept, some item icons (props for d&d) and something they may rarely see, an animated character GIF (just an idle pose). All was d&d focused. 3.They said yes... This doesn't mean I was in. They had strict guidelines to follow and I had more research to do and accounts to set up. They also wanted my 1st product ready when I replied back that I was indeed ready. This takes time to finalize and with life as it is, stretching that period out is not a terrible thing to make things perfect, but don't go a month, because they will take time as well to wrap their end. It takes a long time. 4. Read their emails, over and over, and make sure you don't miss details. They require your sign off, reply, and respond. The process is not automated, which coming from many other marketplaces tripped me up in my experience. Stay in touch until you are in. Hope you get in. Refer to cover letter samples and get those 5 catchy jpg images.
Thanks for the tips @Xenobunny Did you initially use the webform to submit your application, or did you just email them directly? I'm just wondering because I've been totally left in the dark about whether or not I've been accepted or rejected. I'm still building a a good set of sample assets, so I'm not in a total rush.
Nick Turner
Marketplace Creator
I too applied to be a creator some months ago (ticket number #24124 on the 24th July), submitting first the request via the zendesk web-form, and then attempting to chase it up via email (replying to the automated email that zendesk sent), and also by tweeting to the team. I submitted a brief letter about myself and what I wanted to sell (token marker sets initially), supplying samples and saying I was nearly finished with the first set and showing samples of it (It's now complete, and I have at least one customer that I play with, who's so eager to buy them that I'm considering giving him the rather awkward set of instructions as to how to set them up himself from the raw images). Thus far I've had no reply at all, so I finally turned to the forums and found this thread. Can anybody here help, please?

Edited 1600341653
Marketplace Creator
I e-mailed them directly (Back in April) with all they asked for in the "becoming a marketplace creator" information page, mentioning I was interested in making character portraits and maps with a few samples (in the required format and showing a variety of items including a mockup of my possible ad banner when my first pack was done, a few different character portraits from my first pack, and a couple of tileable textures).  It took them about two weeks to reply back with interest.  I then had to follow up e-mail with my information so they could create a page for me once my first pack was ready to go. In my experience it can take them a while to get back to you, so just be patient.
Tiffany M.
Marketplace Creator
Tyr said: (It's now complete, and I have at least one customer that I play with, who's so eager to buy them that I'm considering giving him the rather awkward set of instructions as to how to set them up himself from the raw images). Seize the day. Roll20 does not require exclusivity, only that you don't talk about how to buy your art from external sources on their forum. You retain the rights to sell on all other non-exclusive sources you so choose. Roll20 is pretty slow moving, but you'll get in eventually. Don't stress. It's a good thing that it's complete and it's a good thing you already have inquiries!
Nick Turner
Marketplace Creator
Just to follow up on this for anyone curious. Roll20 staff did get back to me on the 15th September, and after that, things moved quickly, and my first pack ( these 5th edition token markers ) went live yesterday. Total time from initial contact to the item going live was about 10 weeks, but 80% of that was spent waiting for the initial zendesk help ticket to be noticed. Special thanks go to Vix on the roll20 team who was friendly and prompt in replying.
Tiffany M.
Marketplace Creator
Congrats on your first pack for sale. :)
Nick Turner
Marketplace Creator
Thank you.
Update from my original post: It took about 8 weeks for a reply to my initial Roll20 Marketplace Application submission. If anyone out there has tried applying and is sitting around waiting, just be patient. It sounds like there's a huge backlog of support tickets that the Roll20 team is having to sort through but eventually, they will get to your submissions (even if it takes 8+ weeks).