I would really like to see an improved system for managing inventory. In particular: I’d like characters to have multiple inventory repositories (eg backpack, mount or bag of holding) where you can drop the equipment, which auto-calculates the weight. For example I have a player with Hewards Handy Haversack. It can store up to 80lbs in main compartment and 20lbs in two pouches yet always weighs 5lbs. It would be useful if the character could have either a separate inventory section for containers/mounts or if the equipment had a hierarchy tree for storage (with an option to base weight based on the container’s weight for dimensional containers). I’d also like to be able to easily move items between characters (rather than having to delete from one and add anew for another. Im unsure if this is an OS issue or a character sheet issue but either way it would be an awesome addition. thanks for reading. Best Akril