Hello, Please give a long advance announcement of the Roll20CON dates, so that Game Masters can plan an offering. It has not been announced yet on Roll20. Someone said it's out on Facebook already, which seems unbelievable to me. In past years, Roll20CON already happened before this time of year and would have been announced months ago. Last year in 2019, the CON was not announced until Roll20's full stream schedule & graphics ad layouts were finished, just a few days before the CON itself. This was painfully way too late for all the ordinary Game Masters on here. Please don't have it where Roll20, a professional organization, has time to plan what you're doing for the Roll20CON but your regular users don't have time to plan and participate. Is Roll20CON is supposed to be just a TV show for us to watch on a last minute announcement? I thought it is supposed to be a weekend for the Roll20 User Community to play games together. It was the later in the first several years of the CON. As a Roll20 Game Master who has ran games in every Roll20 CON except for the late announced 2019 --- I'm asking again. Please tell us Game masters what the dates of the CON will be so that we can plan & announce game offers.