I am trying to dynamically load the tokens in the campaign using Campaign().get("token_markers") however I'm coming up with the problem that the reference is undefined at the point that I need the token list. I am doing this within a custom API script (a modified Tracker Jacker). If I use the example code from here <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/8033593/release-note-for-january-7-2020" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/8033593/release-note-for-january-7-2020</a> it works fine as a chat command !markernames. I am even able to modify it to output an object containing the markers. My problem arises when I try to reference that object later in the Tracker Jacker code with a no such reference error. If I pull the code to get the token markers out of the on("ready" block so it executes before the Tracker Jacker code then I get the error TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined If I'm understanding things correctly that means that Campaign().get isn't available until AFTER execution of all of the API scripts. If I'm correct about this, is there a way to get the markers earlier or do I have to find a way to do it on the fly every time I need the list? Forgive me if the answer is obvious, javascript isn't my native language. Thanks, Chuz