I currently use an attack formula that includes a Roll Query prompting whether the attack was made with Advantage, etc. I WAS using it in a way that allowed for the result of the attack to be put in a default template output alongside text that stated whether the attack roll was made as as Standard attack, with Advantage, or Disadvantage and that was working fine, but now I am trying to implement a further mechanic that is calculating another number for me and it uses that whole attack roll inside of that calculation. This is problematic for the results that I was used to getting before, because now the text portion of the Roll Query outcome can't be in there anymore, since it messes up the overall formula that now surrounds that earlier calculation. So, does anyone know of a way to still include the Roll Query choice in the outcome of a calculation if that calculation has to be a part of another larger calculation? Is there an API way to do it perhaps, if a Macro can't handle that on it's own? Thanks. (Examples of what I'm talking about below.) Previous: /w gm &{template:default} {{name=@{attack_name_3}}} {{Attack Roll= [[ @{attack_bonus_3} + ?{Roll Type|Standard,1d20 ]] Standard|Advantage,2d20kh1 ]] Advantage|Disadvantage,2d20kl1 ]] Disadvantage} }} Current: /w gm &{template:default} {{name=@{attack_name_1}}} [[ [[ {floor(([[@{attack_bonus_1}+?{Added_Momentum|0}+?{Roll Type|Standard,1d20 ]]|Advantage,2d20kh1 ]]|Disadvantage,2d20kl1 ]]}-@{target|armor_class})/5),0}kh1 ]] ]] {{``ATTACK ROLL:``=$[[0]] (with ``[[?{Added_Momentum|0}]]`` Momentum used)}} But the Current one can't list out the Roll Query choice, since it is text that was added to the value and doesn't fit in the new calculation. (And no, I don't want the player to simply select the same result from two Roll Queries, either - i.e. one for the formula and one for the text.) Thanks.