The idea is simple. Add a second Token Layer. Name it Token Layer 2 or Object Layer if you must. The reason? Sometimes you want tokens on the token layer but don't want them to be selected when selecting other tokens with the highlight tool. There are a number of ways this would be useful but in my experience the most useful one is furniture and objects. I am running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and my players LOVE furnishing their tavern. I have added tons of little things to the blank tavern map such as; Stools, Tables, Beds, etc. This way they can move them as they please. However as the GM this gets rather annoying since I too can select these objects and will do so accidentally when trying to select the characters or multiple NPCs in the tavern. Also this would help a ton with other more niche tricks. This layer should function like the token layer in every way but be the "Lower" layer so that the current token layer always goes on top of it.