I tried to research this and could not find a thread. I am trying to make a generic powercard available to all players that does the same roll for a skill check as the character sheet attribute does. I did this in four steps: 1. I created a new character sheet and named it: Macros. 2. I then rolled a skill roll for a character in the game and got: @{wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{arcana-u}}} {{mod=@{arcana_bonus}}} {{r1=[[@{d20}+-1[intelligence]@{pbd_safe}]]}} {{normal=1}} {{global=@{global_skill_mod}}} @{charname_output} 3. I then created an attribute in Macros called "Arcana" and loaded the attribute language in it. 4. I then created a "SkillCheck" powercard macro and added the following (minus the graphics) macro call: [Arcana](~@{selected|character_name}|Arcana) This works fine but I would like to change the attribute language in Macros to Powercards format. Unfortunately, I don't know what half of the attribute language means. (Like, I can't find an attribute pbd_safe to save my life.) Help?