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Does anyone want to run a large two volume campaign?

It’s like $ 1000 to print so I need an experienced DM to look it over and make a decision. I can send a free copy. It’s not for commercial purposes. It was just giggles that turned into this major campaign. I’m not sure how good it is: it’s very high level. I want to play in it but I don’t want to DM it. With high level stuff, the encounter balancing is really tricky. That’s the part that worries me.  Don Key
Forum Champion
is it strictly 5E or would you want to play it as AD&D, 1st and 2nd Edition?
It’s built and calculated for 5E, but it wouldn’t be impossible to convert it to AD&D which I grew up on. Mostly the issue is that I’m not a 5E expert yet so I want someone else to consider running it so I get some feedback on things I need to fix, like encounter balancing. 
Forum Champion
If you're a player, and you wrote the adventure, are you going to try to separate character knowledge from player-author knowledge?
Sure. No one would know I wrote it. But the other option is I can play one of the specific NPCs which probably makes the most sense. I know exactly which NPC - might actually be even better to do that. It would enable me between sessions to answer DM questions.  It’s hard to tell whether you’re own home brew material is playable but that’s the whole point - let’s find out, then I can make edits later after the play test.  Thanks for the inquiry. 
Gold said: If you're a player, and you wrote the adventure, are you going to try to separate character knowledge from player-author knowledge? I do have the PDFs for the text, index, bestiary and maps, but the maps PDF has to be inserted in the correct places in the text. They’re marked. Using the hard copy is best, but it’s also too expensive to print out. 
Forum Champion
Not to dominate the discussion, but since it's open and no one else has jumped in yet... What about the Roll20 / VTT implementation of it? How do you foresee that going, for the Playtest? I mean: Do you want me (a DM) to import maps from your PDF, and then size them onto Roll20 map pages, and place/configure all tokens and lighting and sizes? To set that up in Roll20 as a virtual tabletop. Or, were you thinking more of a Theater-of-the-Mind, and the group meets in Roll20 for Voice-Video-Dice, while the DM has the PDF to read-from?
I don’t even know how to play on Roll20 yet - working on it. It gets confusing in a hurry but I’ll figure it out.   But any DM that wants to review it and run it can do so however they want. I just want to observe to see what works and what doesn’t. The easiest thing to do is just give me an email address for the electronic version or an address so I can send the hard copy. Then you can figure out whether you want to attempt it and if so how. The maps are from Inkarte but they’re in PDF now so the whole thing is in PDF, including: Cover, Index, Main Text, Bestiary, and Maps.