Hello Roll20 and AD&D players.
I am back with some new features and bug fixes :)
Here is the Github PR
New Features: Spell selection and detailed spells (Beta)
This is a Beta feature, and therefore only implemented on Wizard and Priest level 1 spells
I have added a new repeating section for writing down spells. This was added because spells are really complex, but the current input fields for keeping track of this information is lacking.
All the old repeating sections remain!
Wizard | Priest |
- The major changes added here is the possibility to add all the needed fields for a spell.
- This makes it easier to get a quick look at the Duration or the Area of Effect of a spell.
- The Spell Effect field has been changed from an <input> field to a <textarea> field, allowing players to expand and resize it, to get a better overlook the text in the field.
- To avoid taking up too much space, the details have been designed to be collapsable, via a checkbox.
- Two buttons has been added Roll Spell Effect and Roll Template
- Roll Spell Effect works just like it does on the old sections: It prints whatever is written in the spell effects field to the chat
- Roll Template reads all the fields from the spell and prints out a 2eSpell template in the chat.
This spell section has been made with flexbox, giving a responsive design, based on screen size. This gets around the old styling scheme with 3 hard defined columns for spells. A narrow screen will only show a single column, where wider screens will show more:
One column | Two columns | Three columns |
Spell selection (Beta)
To help players fill out all these fields, a spell selection dropdown has been added with spells to selection from. The default value is Custom allowing for players to define their own custom spells manually. The other values are spells from the Player's Handbook. Pick one and the spell will auto fill the fields for you.
Picking a spell | The result |
Once a spell is picked it is ready to fire using the Roll Template button:
Notes on the auto fill
- The text for the auto fill has been copied directly from the Player's Handbook. This include newlines and tabulation in the Effect section.
- Only minor changes has been added, such as stateting the current scaling, ie. a spell gives 10% chance per level, will show the current chance after the scaling text
- In the case of Endure Heat / Endure Cold, the temperature ranges has been given both in F and in C, because I am a European, and cannot be bother to convert that number every time :P
- All scaling or rolling has been wrapped in square brackets ([[ ]]) for it to auto calculate.
- Spells with a maximum cap has also been implemented, so that Burning Hands for instance does not deal more than the +20 damage
- Duration for spell are also being rolled even though the PHB, states that the DM should roll this secretly. This is subject to change based on player feedback
- The level for the spell is read from a new field:
. It is PARAMOUNT that you fill out these fields or the scaling will not work. The default value is 1, aka first level, so all spells will be cast as a first level character if not changed / updated.
- This field can reference to another field or just be a straight integer value. All usages of the field is wrapped in parenthesis, so it is allowed to write '@{level-class3}+2' if under the influence of a priest Combine spell, that only raises Caster level, but not HP, Thac0 or proficiencies.
- The materials needed to cast a spell, has been moved from the spell's effect to the Material field.
This feature is in a Beta, so there might be errors, or inconsistencies. If you have any feedback, feel free to contact me about any of it and I will look into it.
My current goal is to transcribe all the spells from the Player's Handbook into Roll20!
Spell slots, points, arc, and Wind
Before | After |
Changes |
- This was done because the name was really confusing. The field was named 'Spells Selected', but did not count up every time you selected a spell. Instead it counted down everytime you picked a spell. So the field should have been named 'Spells remaining to be selected' which is a bit long.
- Therefore it was named to 'Available to Memorize'
The old 'Spells Remaining' has been renamed to 'Available to Cast'
- This field counted down every time you cast a spell, so it should have been called 'Spells remaining (to be cast)', again a bit long so it was changed to the new name.
OBS: No underlying math has been changed! All the values are exatly the same as they were before!
These new names also match the new section for tracking spells a lot better.
Before | After |
Changes |
- Bonus Spell Points based on intelligence or wisdom is not automatically updated.
- I have never played with these rules and therefore do not know what the values should be, or how it works.
Old repeating spell sections got centered
Before | After |
Bug fixes and miscellaneous
- The attributes total-arc-remaining and total-wind-remaing can now be accessed. These two previously had the same attribute name, so trying to access wind, would give 'not found' and tring to access arc would give the value for wind.
Before | After |
Changes |
Spell notes
After |
As always I need everyone to give a BIG ASS shout out to our champion Andreas J.
He keeps on uploading my code again and again for me to test it! He is truly impressive and relentless in his pursuite of making life better for all of us!
This is all for now. I hope you like the coming changes and I look forward to your feedback :)