I have tried to use the built in audio/video function within Roll20 and found a few problems. The difficulty I have is that they seem to be inconsistent and extremely variable. For instance, we had 6 at the table all using audio and video. Everything started off reasonably fine, but then my A&V kept dropping and would require me to reconnect or sometimes to actually quit out of Roll20 and re-join. Then another player would lose audio, then come back. Yesterday I had a couple of friends join me to see if I could figure out how to fix this. I had my computer and my wife's computer logged on to roll20 (my wife wasn't at her PC so it was ONLY running Roll20). I had one friend join and could not reproduce what was happening previously. Everything worked fine with (technically) 3 users connected. Then another friend was able to join us. Everything was fine for a little while. Then I lost audio and video. Reconnecting didn't work, so logged out and back in again. Everything worked, then one of the others dropped, and when they came back both could see and hear me (GM) but could not see/hear each other. We all logged out and then in again and they could hear and see each other but not me, whereas I could hear and see both of them. We are due to play again on Friday, but if everything remains as is, we are going to have to find some other comms tool, or a different platform to play on altogether :(