Free game. Hello, You are welcome to join the Sunday game sessions. A dnd 5th ed game for characters level 11 Espionage, disguises, cursed items. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/join/6146387/Eo86qg" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/join/6146387/Eo86qg</a> my discord id is RMH#3624 Let’s chat. New
players: if you wish to join, please read this: Send WarHorse (me), known as the DM, a private message so that I can assign a
character to you. I am sorry to have to say this: If I don't hear from
you within 24 hours in chat or through the forum posting I must
to remove you to make room for people who wish to play the game. Opening
the game up for new players. We need a couple wizard or Rogue types at
level 11 (or a Rogue/wizard type at level 6/6) for 4-5 sessions of an
espionage type game. The game character-work starts at 3PM Sundays, then the game starts after 5:15