Interest check as I'm pondering running a second game. The game would be ran on roll20, voice discord. Weekly Saturday nights US east. The ideas I have so far 1. A Robotech Southern Cross/Invid invasion. The idea is the team is one of the few remaining Aerospace units of the Southern Cross right before the Invid arrive, crashing land into Africa. Initial arc idea is pulling from Halo ODST then afterwards survival and building the foundation of Africa Resistance Force. 2. A Mutants & masterminds game in the Marvel universe shortly after the event of Onslaught (or comic Infinity Gauntlet). A lot of heroes are dead or missing. Will have a list of known heroes still around if you would to pick a cannon hero or make your own. The setting will be on the west coast. 3. Rifts Phase World. The group would decide on which faction they would be part of the Anvil Galaxy and engage in a war to claim strategic locations or defend their territory. They would have their own ship and squad but who they go about their task if up to them. 4. Lastly, an Open world Heroes Unlimited in Century Station. Exactly story/setting/style is still up in the air but its something I've wanted to do for a bit. These are just ideas, not 100% but wanting to see what players are interested in at the moment. Hoping to make a decision weekend of Oct 16th. I have this on post on some discord servers as well.