OK, how about this. Adapted the previous link, and essentially treating each multiple of 5 of the total roll (1d20+Agility-Difficulty) as an additional level of success. We normalize to 15 by taking the calculated levels of success (5=1success, 10=2successes, 15=3, etc.) by subtracting 2 from the result.
Now, you would just need a much smaller handful of tables corresponding to the levels of success. So -1SkillResult (failure), 0SkillResult (failure), 1SkillResult (Success!), 2SkillResult (Good Success!), etc. So the roll template would be the following. Kind of an eyesore, but it seems to work:
&{template:default} {{Result=[[1t[[[floor(abs([[ [[1d20+ @{selected|Agility}]]-[[?{difficulty|0}]] ]])/5)-2]]SkillResult]]]}} {{name=@{selected|token_name} tests Agility}} {{Base Roll=$[[0]]}} {{Difficulty=$[[1]]}} {{Total Roll= $[[2]]}}
This might be easier to read? Same code.
&{template:default} {{Result=[[1t[[[floor(abs([[ [[1d20+ @{selected|Agility}]]-[[?{difficulty|0}]] ]])/5)-2]]SkillResult]]]}} {{name=@{selected|token_name} tests Agility}} {{Base Roll=$[[0]]}} {{Difficulty=$[[1]]}} {{Total Roll= $[[2]]}}
Here is the output for a couple of examples. This character's Agility is set to 15 (no idea if this is realistic in your system, but you get the idea).
You could change the order of the subordinate rows, if you wanted to put the Total Roll directly under the Result, for example.
You could also use some template trickery to put the Result at the bottom, by putting the table roll on it's own instead of within double brackets, like this:
&{template:default} [[1t[[[floor(abs([[ [[1d20+ @{selected|Agility}]]-[[?{difficulty|0}]] ]])/5)-2]]SkillResult]]] {{name=@{selected|token_name} tests Agility}} {{Base Roll=$[[0]]}} {{Difficulty=$[[1]]}} {{Total Roll= $[[2]]}} {{Result=$[[4]]}}
Example output:
The wide rows are a result of the text "Excellent Success" being too long for a single row in the default template, and not because of the change in order. One of the css wizards out there could probably tell you how to reformat that, but that's not my bag :) EDIT - might require the Stylus extension to accomplish? But again, not my forte.
That's the best I could come up with. Not sure how many tables you would still need (a fifth of the previous amount), so you would have to evaluate that to see if it was still worth it. Good luck!