So, I'm trying to do some fancy stuff with the Pathfinder by roll20 character sheets to troubleshoot roll issues at a glance for my players and apply bonuses on the GM's side as appropriate for the situation, and was wondering if there's any way of finding/accessing one of the contributing values being used by the visible bonuses from buffs. Probably easier to provide case example: Our group has a Bard, Character A, who is able to provide a Morale bonus to attack rolls. So the group has a buff along the lines of "+3 morale to attack" and another along the lines of "+2 morale to saves," which are both pretty straightforward toggles and the buff system applies them where appropriate. Another character, Character B, however, has an ability that provides a +2 Morale bonus to attack rolls against demons, specifically, so in the notes section of their weapon macro, I'd love to put in a quick check against whether the *attack* buff granted by Character A is active or not, and if it is active, to tell me what the difference is between the morale bonus being used by the buff system and the +2 from Character B's special ability, and not have it get entangled with the *save* buff from Character A. If it were something like a Deflection bonus to AC from Buffs I could find it with @{ac_deflection_bonus} vs AC from the AC Items section's @{ac_deflection_items} with Vs Demons: +[[{(2-[[{@{ac_deflection_bonus},@{ac_deflection_items}kh1]]),0}kh1]] but the syntax for attributes and roll modifications from buffs is otherwise hidden from sight so I don't know what calls to make for non-AC instances of this sort of problem. Is there a list for these sorts of hidden attributes, like "@{attack_morale_bonus}" vs "@{melee_morale_bonus}" for morale buffs to all attacks vs morale buffs to just melee attacks? If there isn't, is there any way to find them without API access?