Campaign is in progress, we are at level 4. I have room for 3 players right now. This homebrew world is expansive and detailed, and I have almost an entire book written. It is not entirely complete, but there is plenty there to do adventures from. And I'd love to update anything you need to use, so feel free to keep me busy on it.
- Expansive posttechnology world
- Current campaign takes place in a wasteland/composite of Australia, resource management required
- High magic (for infrastructure, no difference for PC's), global communication, fast global travel, spacefaring
- Players get (Core/homebrew) + 1 supplement to create & build a character; no 3rd party
- I roll PC stats only, player arranges the numbers, then players roll every thing else in roll20
- Non-vancian magic (memorize like normal but don't forget)
- No ability score bumps at level 4; players can train abilities as a downtime activity at any time up to normal limits
- Consent/accessibility: mostly rated r, normal dnd violence levels, fade to black on taboo subjects
DM me if interested