I've been using this scriptlet from The Aaron to swap token names from modules to generic descriptors -- e.g. the gnomes in Gnomengarde for DoIP are all linked to the Rock Gnome Recluse character sheet, but each one has a unique token name. However, I want the tokens to simply display 'Rock Gnome #', so I added the given token name to the GM Notes field (using !set-gmnote), and then changed the token name to 'Rock Gnome #' (using the TokenNameNumber script ). This works ok, but there's still a bit of a manual process, and I can see that switching back during a game (when players meet the Gnomes I'll put their names back on the tokens... which is why I kept the names to begin with) would be much easier if there was a way for a script to pull from the token GM Notes field. I'm hoping there's an easy way to just swap the GM Notes field with the Token Name, so that I could set up a API Call macro ('!TokenNameSwap' or similar) and it would put the Token Name in the GM Note field and the GM Note as the Token Name. Best case scenario would be to have the GM Notes field have a 'marker' of some kind for the token name, like "Token name: Fibberdish" that could be pulled from the GM Notes while leaving the rest intact (in case there's other notes) but as of now that isn't something I'm currently using. But I also know that requires a script that can parse the GM Notes field for that marker and only replace that line, so definitely beyond what I'd be able to kludge together. Does anyone have anything that could accomplish this? Thanks!