Hi Folks,
Deal-Init just got pulled into the 1-click Install library. Details below if you are unfamiliar with the script.
Roll20 API Script to Deal Initiative for Savage Worlds Games
Deal-Init supports Savage Worlds style card based initiative by dealing cards to the Turn Order and
sorting the order by suit.
(Note: If you are using the amazing VTTES to enhance your Roll20 experience, you must disable
"Automatically Sort Initiative" in the VTTES config settings for Deal-Init to work properly.)
Deal-Init does not utilize the Roll20 deck system. Instead it manages an internal array of cards
that are reshuffled when the deck runs out or a joker is drawn.
It also checks character attributes for any SW Initiative Edges and handles them appropriately.
The Initiative Edges must be stored in a comma separated list in an Attribute named
"InitEdges" (e.g. Qui,LH)
The Edge shorthand is as follows: (spelling and case count!)
Qui = Quick
LH = Level Headed
ILH = Improved Level Headed
TT = Tactician (cards dealt to chat)
MTT = Master Tactician (cards dealt to chat)
HH = Hesitant Hindrance
WCE = Any Joker Activated Wild Card Edge (announced in turn order)
Going on Hold is accomplished by the GM editing the affected token's card in the Turn Order to
be "H" or "h." As long as the card is an H/h, Deal-Init will not deal a card to that token and
will put it at the top of the order on a new round. The GM must set the card to an non-H/h
value in order for Deal-Init to start dealing to that token again.
The script only has a few options:
!deal-init [ --help ] [--reset ] [ --show ] [ --onlyto --string ] [ --deal2chat ]
(no args) Deals cards to turn order and sorts by suit.
--help : Displays the help.
--reset : Reset the deck and shuffle. Use at the start of a new scene or encounter to start
the deck fresh
--show : Shows the current contents of the deck, discard pile, and turn order (hand)
--onlyto --string : Deal initiative only to token names that contain "string".
Overwrites init if token is on hold. Case sensitive.
--deal2chat : Deal a card into the chat window. Use this when someone spends a benny
to draw a new card
I personally use 4 macros to call the script that look like this:
"New Scene"
!deal-init --reset
"New Round"
"Deal Only To"
!deal-init --onlyto --?{Enter name to deal to|string}
"Benny a New Card"
!deal-init --deal2chat