I and a group I play with are "Old Fogies" and love playing 2E - we're too old to learn the new tricks of 5E... The 2E sheet is great for us! Well done and thank you for creating & maintaining it. However , I have found a bug (?) in the creation of the melee weapons table on the sheet. One macro library I have created is for DMs to generate character sheets with the appropriate sized repeating tables for the creature they are creating - I found that having one, fully expanded character sheet with all tables expanded to fit any eventuality was very resource hungry, so this library is necessary to support DMs in creating the appropriate character sheets easily. I use the ChatSetAttr API Script in the macros to create the lines in the tables. Using this line below 2 times (in macros) should add two rows at index $0 and $1 to the melee weapons table: !setattr --charid @{selected|character_id} --repeating_weapons_-CREATE_weaponname|Melee weapon name The entry at index $0 is created fine. However the next time this is called, the index at $1 does not seem to be created. @{selected|repeating_weapons_$1_weaponname} returns empty string . So does @{selected|repeating_weapons_$2_weaponname}. However, @{selected|repeating_weapons_$3_weaponname} returns Melee weapon name ! FYI, the same thing happens when I use the [Add] button on the character sheet - all appears normal on the sheet, but accessing the repeating rows as above has the same outcome. If I carry on adding lines, indexes are created in what appear to be groups of 3 at ever higher indexes. The sheet appears normal when opened, but using !setattr --charid @{selected|character_id} --repeating_weapons_$1_weaponname|New weapon name sets row $3 to be New weapon name, and trying to access for instance $3 in the above example using: !setattr --charid @{selected|character_id} --repeating_weapons_$3_weaponname|New weapon name causes an error as the CharSetAttr API Script does not think row $3 exists. There are not 5 rows visible on the character sheet when I open it (only the 1 base one + 2 repeating rows, a total of 3), so I agree with ChatSetAttr that something is odd here. The only way around it I have found is to manually use the [Modify] button on the table, and drag the last row to before the second row, then click [Done]. This seems to fix the issue, and $0 & $1 indexes then perform as expected, and $3 no longer exists. This (to a degree) defeats the object of having the macros to make the DMs life easier. Has anyone else come across this bug? Is anyone able to fix it? Sorry, but I'm not that good at programming in HTML or Java to fix the sheet myself.