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Print option for Character Sheets

Sheet Author
I would like to see a Print option for character sheets. My players have expressed an interest in having a hard-copy for easy "off-screen" reference. Would this be a difficult option to implement?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
We (the sheet creators) would need to be given access to @media CSS for it to be feasible, especially for those sheets which have implemented multi-tab functionality. Not that I would complain! =)
Forum Champion
Cool feature idea.
This would be very much appreciated by me, I Gm a number of campaigns and would find it easier to keep it all sorted out. It is hard enough now just to keep who is who straight, I am very old school and would like to have hard copies of certain things in the campaign. I still cant function without my clipboard with my cheat sheets for the game, character info, a legal pad and two or three colors of post it notes to make notes as the game progresses.
Sheet Author
Our group was using myth-weavers and jumping back and forth between r20 and MW. Now that the character sheets have been implemented, not much of a need to use MW anymore. I have found somewhat of a work-around for printing character sheets however. I created a "Statblock" macro that calls all the info I may need for a character sheet, including abilities, weapons, feats, skills, gear, etc. After running the macro, I copy from the chat window and paste into (insert your favorite word processor here) for a little "tweaking" and presto, my characters have a hard copy for quick reference and between sessions strategizing. Because my macro pulls from the actual r20 character sheet I can run it and copy/paste anytime major/minor changes have been made in r20. It would just be SOOOO much more convenient to have a " Print " function right from the sheet.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
It would be nice if you could see the character sheet in the offline journal section of the campaign.
Add a +1 to this request. It would be very useful to be able to print/convert online character sheets to PDF or whatever exportable common file format, for RL tabletop games, which we sometimes do, in addition to the "online" games. Is this in the pipeline by any chance? Does not strike me as a particularly difficult feature to implement..? thanks
I love the new character sheets, but I do miss having a hard copy of my players sheets to reference. Right now we have to maintain 2 separate sheets, one in game and one that can be printed/viewed off line.
+1 to this. My group is meeting up for the last quest of the campaign to play it in real human form. Print would be easiest.
Sheet Author
+1 this would be handy
I agree whole heartedly.... We need a printable character sheet. While I love the computer version of D&D, I have been playing this game since the beginning late 70's early 80's, I miss my character sheet in my hand while playing.... Please look into this....
I absolutely agree with this.
Gabriel P.
Marketplace Creator
+1 Spilling coffee on my computer screen just isn't the same.
Sheet Author
Maybe someone more "technical" could chime in on how difficult this would be to implement . I'm sure with the multitude of character sheets available on roll20 each sheet would need it's own print-friendly .css file and would probably have to be created by whomever created that particular sheet. Just guessing.
Riley hinted that something was coming to make us happy, but tried to be as vague as possible about which he was answering, whether there would be a print option or an export option, or whether a trained parrot would fly to each of our houses and recite our sheets. We can only hope for the third option. He was also vague about when this would happen...
Sheet Author
Sounds like something may happen sometime in the future. Maybe.
Riley is no dummy, every change affects a lot of other things up and downstream. Writing some code and patching it in is relatively easy, keeping it all working together is a bit harder. If he promises next Thursday at 10 AM, getting it done at 10:30 is letting us down. If he says I will look at that, there may be something we can do with that down the road, he isn't pissing anybody off.
Sheet Author
I get it. I was just hoping for the talking parrot. On a serious note; you have to love how active the roll20 development team is. Lets keep our fingers crossed for a print or even an export option on our character sheets.
ooh it would be awesome to see something come regarding this... my players keep bugging me about it lol.