Yeah, sorry, I was just giving you a head start. That snippet will get activated whenever the turn order changes. That could be because the turn is advanced, or because it got sorted, or someone's initiative changed, or you dragged the position of someone around. You'll probably want to check that the id of the first person in the obj parameter and the first person in the prev parameter are different before proceeding into the body. ( Heads up, the obj is a full fledged Roll20 object, the prev is a simple javascript object. You need to use obj .get('thing'), and prev .thing to access thier respective values. ) Once inside the body, you will need to look at the id of the first person in the turn order, and check it against a list of token ids that are patrolling. If it is one of your patrollers, just move them where they need to be. I don't recall specifically, but the move logic should be in the existing script already, so you should be able to just call it for the id you're looking at. Let me know if that's outside your scripting abilities and I'll see if I can help out. Cheers!