As the title says, I'm on the east coast of the United States and I'm looking to join a group to play Pathfinder during the early hours of the day. I've been playing for a little over two years now and I've enjoyed nearly every minute of it. I work in the evenings from 3pm to 11:30pm and it seems like a large portion of the games on here run during that time, or close enough that they're not feasible for me. Ideally games would start around 8am, give or take an hour or so, which would be more than early enough to get in a few hours of gaming before I have to go to work. DMs, what you'd be getting is someone who enjoys the more tactical or combat based aspects of Pathfinder. That's not to say that I hate roleplaying and social situations, it's more that you shouldn't expect me to try to get deep into my character's head and do serious amounts of roleplaying. I do try to keep my character in mind and make decisions that he would make but I don't get as into as some other people do. I'll admit that I've been labeled as a "powergamer" or a "min/max'er" by some people but I like to think I keep it reasonable. There is some really abusive stuff out there and while I stay away from it, I'm not above doing something like dipping a level of Oracle to get Charisma to AC if I'm playing a Paladin. As for what I like in games and groups in general, I'm not extremely picky about my groups. For the most part I just want to get in a group with people who want to have fun. I don't enjoy things that cause strife between characters or players, regardless of if it can be justified by backstory or character motivations or whatever other reasons someone might try to use as justification. It just isn't fun for me and it isn't something I enjoy. To put it another way, if three players in your four player group are chaotic neutral, I probably won't fit in.