Hey everyone, I'm working on my own version of the Savage Worlds character sheet for my setting (Elder Scrolls), and I had a cool idea, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm looking for either help or confirmation that rolls don't work this way. I've added repeating sections to the character sheet for melee and ranged weapons. My problem is that ranged weapons use either a shooting or throwing roll, so I added a selection box with "shooting" and "throwing" as choices. My normal roll macro for the attack is this: [[{1d@{shooting}, 1d6!}kh1 - ((1 - @{shootingTrained}) * 2) + ?{Attack Modifier|0}[Mod] - @{wound}[Wounds] - @{fatigue}[Fatigue]]] But that only covers the shooting roll, to cover both possibilities I created a selection box (named "type" with "shooting" and "throwing" as options. Here's the roll that doesn't work (I'm leaving out all the extra repeating section stuff for simplicity, I've already tried it in the character sheet and as an ability): [[{1d@{@{type}}, 1d6!}kh1 - ((1 - @{@{type}Trained}) * 2) + ?{Attack Modifier|0}[Mod] - @{wound}[Wounds] - @{fatigue}[Fatigue]]] My thought process was that it would roll the Skill Attribute value based on the value of the attribute "type" (@{shooting} or @{throwing}, in this case either shooting or throwing. In the same sense for the trained/untrained roll, roll either @{shootingTrained} or @throwingTrained}.