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Map names and settings

the drop down that shows the map names and the map settings options is all garbled and unable to be read or used. The names are all crammed together in one or two of the maps fields and the gear to open the settings for the map like dynamic lighting, fog of war, and size of the field is missing on all but one of the maps.
I am also noticing this problem when trying to set up my gaming session for tonight. Any idea on a fix?
Having the same problem...
+1 +1 +1 Haha, same here, that's when I'm using the VTT ES. When I turn it off, none of my maps load.
seams to be a firefox issue
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Not seeing an issue here on Chrome or FF. Are these issues all on Windows machines? I don't use VTTES, so I can't test for that. Roll20 just announced a hotfix for page duplication (addressing a minor API issue), but that might interfere with a third party extension, particularly one that co-ops the page menu. Try it on a Private Browsing window.
Roll20 updated the page toolbar menu, so if you use the VTTES version it gets all messed up. Go to VTTES settings and disable "alternative page toolbar menu". I think the VTTES version is much better, but since it is not working properly...
Aw, man! I loved the VTTES page layout so much better.
This just in...the VTTES extension has been updated to fix this for both Firefox and Chrome. <<wipes brow>>