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Group DC checks

I'd like to set up a macro so I can select a group of my PCs, then roll a skill check or save throw and have just one die roll, but add each individual character's modifier. The macro only needs to work for one skill or save at a time - for example, I might have one button for each of Perception, Survival, Insight, Dex Save, Con Save, Wis Save. These would be on my Macro Quick Bar, not as token actions. I am using the extremely helpful VTT Enhancement Suite, and it has a "bulk macro" option, but that rolls an individual die for each character. That's fine for initiative, but I prefer to use a single roll for the group and let each PC's individual modifiers determine their final outcome for things like area-effect spells, Perception checks where everyone is looking out, etc.  So, for example, if a cluster of PCs are in one spot and a area-effect spell goes off, I would give all of them the same roll, though if there's another group f PCs separated for them, but also in the blast radius, they would get their own group roll. Lets say i select 3 of my 7 PCs, then click my "Survival" macro down on my macro bar. This rolls a single 20-sided die (say i get a 10), PC1 has a +3 modifier, PC2 a +6, and PC3 has a +2. So it rolls he die and then gives NamePC1 13, NamePC2 16, NamePC3 12 as output. The same button would work for a single selected token, or a group. either way, it always only rolls one die. I do not want one of those universal roll things where it rolls all th ability or save throw checks at once. one at a time is fine. Any thoughts?
I do not believe this would be possible with out the api. If I recall correctly macros cannot target more than one selected token at a time. Wile it would be possible to create a macro to roll a single die and add only the modifier from the ability on the character sheet, you would have to select each token separately. With the API support (this requires a pro account) you can look into Jakobs Group Check in the one click api, and the apply damage script out on the forum. 
Sheet Author
With the dice roller, you can't save a result and use it multiple times in different calculations.  Without the api, the closest thing I can think of would be a macro that rolls a d20 and prints out everyone's bonus for a skill.

Edited 1609551108
Kraynic, thanks. That's a good idea. That would be fine. I don't mind adding. How would I code that part to print out the skill bonus for each selected character?