Greetings and salutations, all! I am running a Dresden Files game on Sundays from 1200-1600 MST. I have more than 20 years experience as a GM in various games. The game is about to start the fourth session but we've had some folk need to bow out for reasons. I would like to find two players to work with to build some awesome characters and bring them into the game. We are using the full game, Volume One through Three, not the Accelerated version. We use Discord for voice and social. We have some LGBTQ players, and we are always open to more. No knowledge of the Dresden Files novels or comics is needed, though two of the players (and myself) are fully invested fans. The game is taking place in the year 2000, just prior to Storm Front, in the city of Seattle. Thank you for your time and consideration! Happy gaming, all!!!