So the Image Library system seems a bit restrictive in several ways: You can only pull images out of your own library, even if you are CO-GMing a game with someone else and they have the necessary images in their library. You can't replace token images without the API, meaning you have to make a new token every time you want to switch images (this is also a problem for players who want to use different images when they are in different disguises/forms/states ect.) If you are no longer part of a campaign but ended up being one of the players or GMs that uploaded a bunch of images for the campaign your Library space is either held hostage by the ongoing campaign or the images in the campaign all disappear, causing a huge headache for the GM who then has to find, replace and sometimes resize them. This is especially bad for tokens as they need to be made anew. And a few other little annoyances such as the mass upload not always working and being fiddly to use, and being unable to drop images from the library management window into the "drop a file" box of handouts or character sheets. It would be nice to do any of these things, especially transferring "ownership" of a group of images between users so it doesn't cause problems in a campaign when a player/GM leaves. Perhaps having all images that get uploaded to a campaign being placed in the campaign owners library that can then be accessed by the GMs of the campaign. One other thing that would be nice would be the ability to store completed tokens in the Image library, that could just be dropped onto maps already set up. I know that many people have "Token Box" maps or sections of maps, but it would be nice to be able to have all your tokens within easy reach without having to switch maps twice or more to get them.