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Suggestion to Map Makers Creating Pre-lit Maps

Hello all, For the creators that are making pre-lit maps can you include an option to buy the art assets and the pre-lit maps as a bundle?  I don't mind paying extra to get both versions, but buying only the pre-lit versions makes me nervous as they can only be used in Roll20.  Having them in a bundle would make it easy to find both versions. Specifically Gabriel Pickard and Meditating Munky - really like your content. Thanks, -Adam
The MapHatter
Marketplace Creator
Pre-lit? Does this mean visual representations of lighting on the maps like torch glow on stones which is part of the digital design - or Line of Sight blocking in onto maps to create lighting automation for the end-user?  In either case I am unsure what is meant here by assets?
Kris M. (Maphatter) said: Pre-lit? Does this mean visual representations of lighting on the maps like torch glow on stones which is part of the digital design - or Line of Sight blocking in onto maps to create lighting automation for the end-user?&nbsp; In either case I am unsure what is meant here by assets? Hi Kris, In the marketplace when searching for maps you can choose "Dynamically Lit Maps" as a filter.&nbsp; These packages are add-ons that can only be used in Roll20 but they come with all of the Dynamic Lighting lines already drawn (a real time saver.) But you cannot download these maps if you purchase them - they are add-on only.&nbsp; Some marketplace sellers are selling both the assets and then separately the Dynamically Lit maps as a bundle (for example, see here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) This way if you purchase the bundle you get the maps which you can download and use outside of Roll20 and then also you get the same maps with the Dynamic Lighting as an add-on to be used in Roll20. I'm suggesting more creators adopt this method as it doesn't trap the purchaser into only using the content on Roll20. Hope that answers your questions, -Adam
Adam, the example bundle that you posted includes the disclaimer " Can only be used with Roll20; cannot be downloaded. "&nbsp; I believe this is true for all Roll20 marketplace purchases.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The second item in the bundle can be downloaded.
Mark S.
Marketplace Creator
It is safest to assume that a map set on Roll20 is created specifically for Roll20 unless the product description specifically says otherwise. Some maps simply do not work on other platforms.&nbsp; For example, I have a map set that is an Addon that has features like a rotating room that could not be made available as a downloadable (the room would be stuck in one position). It also utilizes the GM Info layer to optimize map navigation. The maps were also created specifically for using dynamic lighting. However, I also have map building sets that specify in the description that they can be used in Photoshop, GIMP, or elsewhere.&nbsp; I think it is a reasonable request for maps that have the versatility to be used on other platforms but keep in mind that some were created specifically for use on Roll20.&nbsp; I don't know if this is the case for the mentioned sets, but again, unless it specifies in the description it is safest to assume they may only work (or work best) on the platform they are sold on, in this case, Roll20.&nbsp;
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Hiya Adam! First off, thanks for picking up my maps, and I am happy you enjoy them enough to even consider buying it twice or pay a little extra to get both the Add-On version set up with Dynamic Lighting and the Downloadable map pack version. You shouldn't have to do that though by any means. I don't want you to pay twice to get both versions at all. The Dynamic Dungeons series (Add-Ons) are indeed like others mentioned in this thread, specifically for Roll20 by being set up with the Dynamic Lighting lines, sized to the grid, and all of that jazz for the convenience to save you (and everyone else that uses them) that extra time of setting it all up themselves. The Map Pack versions (Downloadable set) is for anyone who doesn't have plus or pro, or those that want to download them to either add to them with tiles, customize them further in their own ways for their session in Photoshop or Gimp (or other photo editing software) or for those that want to use them over on another VTT. Some of the Map Pack versions of my maps were released before the option to create an Add-On was even available, so when I released some of them, it was kind of a "re-release" to add that extra function and convenience in the first place. Some of them were new releases all together and were released at (or around) the same time. With the Creator Tools there isn't really a way to create bundles of old products without actually creating a new listing for them. Behind the scenes in my hub, that means creating a new listing for the Map Pack version, a new listing for the Add-On version and a new listing for the bundle to link those two listings (it doesn't let me link to previously released sets as of right now, or at least not to my knowledge). That is in addition to the already available listing of each item respectively. The two in the Bundle are to be listed as "Not For Sale" and part of the bundle. And I would love to do that, in fact I have mentioned that to Roll20 in the past (and a few other creators as well). The issue with that with the current set up is that would mean those bundle re-releases would push out like a new product. That means it will come across the "New Listing" area, which gets pretty crowded already. And therefore, if I started doing that with all of my products (which some in which I have already gotten the graceful opportunity to re-release already once as is) then that would set a precedence for other creators to do the same as well. That could end up as a mess by opening a can of worms where some creators may decide to deliberately release items multiple times just to stay on that front page or two of new releases section. That would not be fair to everyone else releasing new content. So unfortunately until there is a better solution on how to do that without it seeming like I am "gaming the system", I won't be pushing forward like that. I want to... I really do... I want to be able to give everyone the content they want in every way possible for them to be able to use it both on Roll20 or to be able to Download it and use (or edit) where ever they want to! I definitely would go back and release bundles of not only Map Pack/Add-On products, but also bundle similar products together (like modular forest sets, compatible tile sets, etc). So if this becomes an option and doesn't clog up the new release section, I will absolutely follow through with that! Moving forward, with new releases, I will make sure to make both the Stand Alone Map Pack and an Add-On version like I already do, but also make that 3rd option of getting the Bundle of both, so that you (and anyone else) can choose which one they want! Thanks again for the kind words, and your suggestion/feedback. I am 100% on the same page as you with this!
Munky said: Hiya Adam! First off, thanks for picking up my maps, and I am happy you enjoy them enough to even consider buying it twice or pay a little extra to get both the Add-On version set up with Dynamic Lighting and the Downloadable map pack version. You shouldn't have to do that though by any means. I don't want you to pay twice to get both versions at all. Hello Munky, I appreciate the detailed explanation - that makes a lot of sense.&nbsp; Sounds like this is a concern that has already been raised to Roll20 but there isn't an appropriate solution in place yet.&nbsp; I'll keep my fingers crossed that some of the previously released material can be repackaged without negatively impacting the creator community and keep my eyes open for new material as you release it. Thanks, -Adam