This is a really annoying problem I run into especially when playing a lot of one-shots. DMs often set up one Roll20 game which they use for multiple one-shots. And once an one-shot is finished, they remove all players from the game to allow new players to join for the next one-shot. However, removing a player from a game also automatically bans them, meaning they only see the "Authorization Failed" page when they try to open the LFG page of that game. And so, whenever I get "kicked" from a Roll20 game after an one-shot was finished and then later want to join that game again for the next-oneshot, I need to find some other way to contact the DM to give me an invite link to the game. This is made even worse by the fact that a game's LFG page does not contain any information about the DM, so if it has been a long time since I last played in that Roll20 game, can't remember the DM's name and possibly have left the respective discord server as well, it is almost impossible to join again - except by using a secondary account to join the game or to post in the game's forums. I think an easy fix would be to differentiate between bans and kicks, making kicks only remove the player but still allowing them to rejoin immediately, while bans prevent players from rejoining the game.