D&D 5th Edition - Roll20's Sheet: Case 1 everything is fine: On an NPC character sheet under actions..if the damage dice is lets say 1d10 and I have the Attack checkbox checked. When i use the action the chat window shows 1d10 damage and the "3d dice" rolls 1d10. - Life is good everything is fine ! Case 2: 3d dice roll 2 damage dice, where it should be one: I take the same NPC sheet remove the check in the Attack checkbox. Enter some text in the description to describe a trap. When i use this action the chat window shows my description and 1d10 damage - but the 3d dice roll 2d10 If i change the damage to 2d10 the chat shows 2d10 damage but then 4d10 are rolled in the 3d dice.... If have set the advantage to query, and toggle in the NPC sheet, Ive set advantage to never in the sheet... Advantage shouldn't even matter as this is not a 1d20 or 2d20 attack/check roll in any case.... What am i missing? Ive created new NPC's Ive even tried to modify old NPC's i always get the right result in chat but double the dice appear in the 3d dice roll for actions that are not attack actions.... (Its the way im doing a trap effect for a green slime...) Ive reloaded the roll20 app... Not sure why the 3d dice seem bugged for non attack actions with damage (there is even a special box for damage for not attack actions... Please reproduce, mess about with suggest a solution... If i change the damage from 1d10 to [[1d10]] it rolls one 3d die instead of two, but the text with the damage in the chat box becomes bugged.... : /