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Tracking DC Heroes initative - sort ascending and descending?

In DC Heroes players and villians first declare their actions in ascending initative order, the slowest one declares first and so on. Then the actions are actually done in descending order. Is it possible to do this with any of the existing APIs out there? Group Initative seems like a good candidate if I could figure out how to use a macro to change the sorting configuration.
And it seems I was correct - I think I figured it out. Will return with details.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Just an update. I've made to macros using Group Initative. At the beginning of each turn I run my #Declare macro: !group-init-config --sort-option|Ascending !group-init --sort And when I reach the token with the highest initative I run an #Act macro: !group-init-config --sort-option|Descending !group-init --sort It is slightly annoying that group-init post a configuration message to chat each time I run the macros, but not a big issue. I've also tried setting it up to automatically run the #Declare macro/API commands in Combat Master when each round starts, but have not been successful so far.