Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-09: The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-4.
Dacilane Academy, located near the Grand Lodge, is a storied institution that sees to the education of many children of Pathfinders. However, the academy’s benefactor, J Dacilane, has recently heard rumors from his students of seven strange phenomena manifesting on campus. Despite his doubts that these are simply the imaginings of students raised on Pathfinder tales, J has called in a favor with the Pathfinder Society to investigate—both to put his students’ minds at ease and for the good learning opportunity a Society report about the school would provide. But are there more to these urban legends than meets the eye?
Written by: Rigby Bendele
- Seeking 4-6 players; need 3 for game to run (you will of course get a refund if the game does not run)
- PF2e Compendiums Provided
- Fee: $10/session (e.g. $10/month) submitted via Paypal
- 30+ years DM experience, started in 1989
- Pro Roll20 using Discord for Chat
- System Requirements: Desktop or Laptop manufactured after 2010, Chrome or Firefox (recommend firefox), GOOD mic (I don’t want too much background noise, please!)
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