So I just finished playing a session with Roll20 in our face to face group. I had my notebook as the DMs computer and one player had his notebook connected to the 40" TV. A few problems not really Roll20's fault. The TV was in the corner so it was a bit hard to see everything for all the players. My notebook had big time problems. The most frustrating thing was I just couldn't grab tokens very well to move them. I'd try and try and then I'd finally be able to move them. Its an older notebook with a slower AMD CPU, 3GBs of memory, but still shouldn't have been that bad. I'll try updating Chrome, etc. for next time. I had done all my testing on my desktop and had no problems. The players notebook had no problems, his was a brand new gaming notebook with lots of memory. The final problem we had was we lost the internet for about 15 minutes. So even though we were face to face we couldn't do anything. :) I plan on running a remote only campaign for the guys during the week, it will be a little easier to get together that way during the week for a few hours at a time. Will of course use Roll20 for that, but I think I'll hold off total intergration of the face 2 face game with Roll20.