Australian Western Time Sunday 9am-1pm
Honolulu, Hawaii Saturday 3pm-7pm
Tokyo, Japan Sunday 10am-2pm
UK Sundays 1am-5am
Melbourne, Australia Sundays 12pm-4pm
Join us for a homebrew sandbox adventure. Freely explore an expansive, detailed world. The player characters have been attracted by rumors of the lost wealth, and promises of fame and glory. And power!
This homebrew world is expansive and detailed, and I have almost an entire book written. This is not a poorly unified, scattershot collection of “notes” and “it’s all in my head”. No, I have well over 200 pages written, maps, adventures, classes, races, rich history and lore. It is not entirely complete, but there is plenty there to build characters and draw adventures from. And I'd love to update anything you wish to use, so feel free to keep me busy on it.
- Seeking 1 players
- Fee: $10/session (e.g. $10/week) submitted via Paypal; 1st game session free
- 30+ years DM experience, started in 1989
- Laid back, respectful, and inclusive atmosphere for all
- Expansive posttechnology world
- High magic (for infrastructure, no difference for PC's), global communication, fast global travel, spacefaring
- Players get (Core/homebrew) + 1st party supplements to build PC’s
- Consent/accessibility: mostly rated r, normal dnd violence levels, fade to black or off-camera for taboo subjects, let me know what’s off-limits and I can accommodate you easily
- Pro Roll20 using Discord for Chat
- System Requirements: Desktop or Laptop manufactured after 2010, Chrome or Firefox, GOOD mic (I don’t want too much background noise, please!), web cam preferred but not necessary
Please note that Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.