And I remembered that I had to modify the emas script a bit, because it wasn't changing the 'speaking as' for whispers. But you should be able to add this to the emas script (just below the !w section... about line 176): /* Code to add whispering from Spiritual Weapon */ case '!whisperas': var whisperAsArgs = msg.content.slice(11).split(" --"); var fromNameAs = whisperAsArgs[0]; var toNameAs = whisperAsArgs[1]; var whisperAsMessage = whisperAsArgs[2]; if(1 === args.length) { showHelp(who); } else if(playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) { sendChat(`${fromNameAs}`,`/w "${toNameAs}" ${whisperAsMessage}`); sendChat(`${fromNameAs}`,`/w gm [To ${toNameAs}] ${whisperAsMessage}`); } else { sendChat(`Whisper Script`,`/w "${who}" You are not the GM!`); } break; // END OF NEW CODE The command is (remove all the < >): !whisperas <Name of Speaker> --<Name of recipient> --<Message> So you could add a Token Action to 'Hugins' or create yourself a macro: !whisperas Hugins --Saerynn Falblood --?{Message} You have to make sure that the character names are spelled exactly, and there's probably a more elegant, streamlined way of doing that, but my javascript skills are pretty rudimentary. :)