Bug Report Template
Detailed description of the problem
When you search by name or tag the results are haphazard and inconsistent.
Minimum number of steps to reproduce the problem
1. Search by something (example, token, multiple free assets have the token tag on all their items.)
2. Be disappointed by results (I get like 4 results, when it should be around 50-60.)
Description of setup
- Chrome+88.0
- Ad-Block
- Windows 10
Bug Triage Results
Please carefully work through to the first three steps of our guide to Solving Technical Issues:
If none of the above succeed in resolving the problem, please thoroughly work through Step 4. (Don't forget the complete Console Log!)
Operating System
Windows 10 (64-bit)
Web Browser
Chrome 88.0.4324.15
Screen Resolution
1536 x 864
Web Browser Size
1536 x 792
Color Depth
24 bit
Macromedia Flash Version
Not Installed
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- bluff_modifier: charisma_mod_level, bluff-trained, bluff-pen, bluff-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- diplomacy_modifier: charisma_mod_level, diplomacy-trained, diplomacy-pen, diplomacy-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- dungeoneering_modifier: wisdom_mod_level, dungeoneering-trained, dungeoneering-pen, dungeoneering-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- endurance_modifier: constitution_mod_level, endurance-trained, endurance-pen, endurance-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- heal_modifier: wisdom_mod_level, heal-trained, heal-pen, heal-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- history_modifier: intelligence_mod_level, history-trained, history-pen, history-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- insight_modifier: wisdom_mod_level, insight-trained, insight-pen, insight-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- intimidate_modifier: charisma_mod_level, intimidate-trained, intimidate-pen, intimidate-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- nature_modifier: wisdom_mod_level, nature-trained, nature-pen, nature-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- perception_modifier: wisdom_mod_level, perception-trained, perception-pen, perception-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- religion_modifier: intelligence_mod_level, religion-trained, religion-pen, religion-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- stealth_modifier: dexterity_mod_level, stealth-trained, stealth-pen, stealth-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- streetwise_modifier: charisma_mod_level, streetwise-trained, streetwise-pen, streetwise-misc
VM4:62 MULTIVERSAL- thievery_modifier: dexterity_mod_level, thievery-trained, thievery-pen, thievery-misc
/compendium/false/_C…ompendium=9375512:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
app.js?1612890142:601 Final page load.
app.js?1612890142:599 Auth'ed.
app.js?1612890142:599 Go post auth!
app.js?1612890142:599 initial setup
app.js?1612890142:599 joining game...
app.js?1612890142:596 Full load page!
app.js?1612890142:599 We have 23 pages
app.js?1612890142:597 Player -MP1pICHm3uG0M9tb2ZD is offline...
app.js?1612890142:599 Deferred finish joining...
app.js?1612890142:587 Firebase Online
Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure element '<URL>'. This request was automatically upgraded to HTTPS, For more information see <URL>
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t0.gstatic.com/image…tTuw0y0lHLJTE018g:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
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t3.gstatic.com/image…4vA8QPTNUTXL2C5YY:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://app.roll20.net/js/d20/underscore-min.map: Fetch through target failed: Target not supported; Fallback: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
Supplemental Information
Including screenshots by using the "Attach a File" link when submitting a post can provide a great deal of information! The more information you can provide, the better able a fix will be reached.