Having been GM'ing on Roll20 for a considerable amount of time, there's a few small interface decisions I feel that really make things difficult (in particular in larger games with lots of handouts) but seem like super easy changes that would really help. I just figured I would post a few of them up here, specifically to do with character handouts and tokens: Duplicating a Character: Right now, it copies the character to the very bottom of the handouts, forcing you to scroll down, grab it, and then bring it back to the folder the character is in. If Duplication made the copy directly in the same subfolder as the original, it'd be a real time saver. Duplicating a Character (2): When you duplicate a character sheet it names it "Copy Of <Character Name>." This is often extremely inconvienient. If it went to <Character Name>_## it would be much easier to rapidly edit the name esp when making variant enemies. i.e. "Soldier" then "Soldier_01, Soldier_02, Soldier_03," etc. An Update Token Button: This is a minor nitpick but right now updating a token is a two step process: Removing the old token, then adding a new one. While it only adds an extra second, it can add up and make things just a tiny bit clunkier. A second button to update, rather than remove, a token (instantly swapping it) would be great. Token Marker values: An almost hidden feature within Roll20 is the ability to set a numerical value to your token markers, but it requires using a custom API script that not everyone even has access to. I would really like to see a way of increasing/decreasing these numbers with a line command so it can be put in a macro without the use of an API. It's an extremely useful feature that is not at all easily accessible. GM Music Preview Button: You have no idea how many times in a campaign I am not sure which of two tracks I want, and the only way to find out is to try to play one. If it's for all players, they get an annoying song start-and-stop. A button to play music only to the GM side in a preview mode would be a real help to make campaigns sound smoother. Anyway, this is just a wish list of features, with some seeming easier to implement than others (such as the way character cloning works) that I think would make Roll20 a smoother experience overall, in particular for people GM'ing.