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Eberron DnD 4E a three hour one-shot TONIGHT 2100 CEST (1900 GMT or 1500 EST)


Edited 1404673510
LF2M Khyber's Harvest When madness and night align And innocent blood waters the dark tree The noble soul must claim the Coat of Eyes And bear this burden for the good of all. —From the Talash Siberys Thousands of years ago, the fearsome daelkyr came to Eberron from the Far Realm of Xoriat. After a long and bitter struggle, an order of druids known as the Gatekeepers used ancient primal magic to bind the lords of madness in the depths of Khyber, the underworld of Eberron. However, the influence of the daelkyr can still be felt in the world today. Mind flayers, beholders, and lesser aberrant monsters continue to do the bidding of their malevolent daelkyr masters, and in those places where the borders between Xoriat and Eberron are weak, mortals embrace dark dreams and fall prey to the voice of madness. Hello all! Game open tonight for RPGers of all experience level! Rules: Choose from a extensive list of pregenerated and pre-macroed Eberron Archytypes and post your desired character choice on this thread. Please be available for the full three hours. please have a working mic. The game will be hosted via Google+ ; have an account before start time. Specifics: 30 minutes prior to start time i will send out all the campaign invites. If you are absolutely set on bringing your own character, no problem but it must be made in the official character builder and use standard array for ability scores. no evil characters and please try to make it "Eberron'ish." This is built for Eberron immersion so, as cool as your gladiator pixie may be - not the adventure for her. You may sub background benefit for a free Dragonmark but the mark must have the correct racial correlation. Cheers and hope to see you there!

Edited 1404669082
Available Pre-Gens: Controllers Juunta - A 1/2 Orc from the shadow marches, descended from a long line of druids, he is determined to honor his ancestors and delay the coming of the mad Daelkyr. Alauniira – A Vulkoori Drow from the great jungles of Xen’drik; like all her brethren her skin is crisscrossed by the white-tatoo like marking made from the poison of the scorpion go d they worship. A Seeker skilled with the bow she seeks vengeance for her slain tribe. Conundrum – A skilled gnome wizard carrying the dragonmark of scribing and a predisposition with absolute cleanliness. A rising star in the arcane field and cum laude graduate of the prestigious Arcanix; he tends to look down on everyone – even at his 3’1” height. Leaders Triage – A House Cannith Warforged created for casualty assistance during the last war – Driven by sheer curiosity and a desire to know – Triage now travels the world seeking knowledge and ways to use his artificer skills. Ellowyd – Trained since birth to be a priestess of The Undying Court; Ellowyd appearance is… unnerving at best. According to ancient elven tradition she has been trained to tend to the needs of the undying spirits of those who came before her – and wears the unsettling accoutrements of her chosen path. Through prayer and her wrath, she will safe keep the dead and preserve the living. Haruun – A Hobgoblin dirge-singer of the Kech Volaar tribe. his battle hymns remind his fellows of another time. Haruun is determined to rebuild the ancient hobgoblin empire of darguun and will not forget the sacrifices of his fore-bearers. Defenders Khali – A devotee of the Church of the Silver Flame, Khali has overcome all odds to be the first Tiefling devotee to have attained the rank of Paladin. She searches to quell the callings of her own demonic blood through faith and rigid code of personal honor. Garren – As a dragonmarked heir to House Deneith life came with all the trappings a young boy could want. Trained since birth in martial prowess and acumen, Garren was on the road to success. Until IT happened; ever since that day, he’s drowned his sorrows at taverns and crawling out of bed is the hardest thing he has been able to accomplish in the last year. Quarion – a swordmage Trained since birth under the burning sun in the land of Valenar; Quarion comes from an elven society based on combat. The only way to assure his passage into the afterlife is to emulate the great deeds of his heroic forefathers – he has yet to find a worthy foe. Strikers Shale – As a shifter, Shala’s dual animal/human nature served him well as a scout for Aundair during the last war – since the Day of mourning Shala is haunted by her dreams of that day and his failure to keep his squad alive – his frustration kindles into rages he finds hard to suppress. Thrice – A young dragonborn chieftain hailing from the sweltering jungles of Q’barra. His martial prowess was renown amongst the barbarian tribes and was respected by elders and peers alike. Until he found it; An axe carved with wicked runes – ever since that day his mind has not been his own. Lun – as a changeling growing up on the rough and troubled streets of Korth – Lun did what she had to do to survive. Her skill set, however, brought her to the attention of the reigning monarchy and during the last war she served the crown removing those who were deemed unwanted. However, as the war wore on and Karnath turned to necromantic arts to sustain its ranks – she drew the line and is now “in between jobs.”
Hey Kenny! I am very interested in playing today if you have an open spot. Let me know, and let me know if you have anyone else yet. I'm fine with playing just about anything you have up there to fill any gaps a party might have. For each role, I would prefer playing: Controller - Juunta - Half-Orc Druid Leader - Ellowyd - Elven Shaman/Cleric? - If You'd rather a male NOT play a female, Then Triage - Warforged Artificer Defender - Quarion - Elven/Eladrin? Swordmage Striker - Thrice - Dragonborn Barbarian
Hi zak! Nope, you're the first to sign up. I probably should have threw this on a bit earlier. We'll see :-). Feel free to play any gender :-).
Awesome! I'm calling in the calvary and sent word out to my gaming groups. Lets see if we can fill up these slots. Are you looking for 4 or 5 people?
I'm with the man above. Thrice, Quarion, Haruun, or Conundrum. I'm up for playing any of these roles/individuals.
Would also be interested in joining if there are spots left and I would prefer playing either Alauniira or Quarion.
sounds great, invites are out :-D 4 or 5 is just fine Zak, not picky :-)
Starting in 5 minutes!
Thanks for everyone that joined - had a blast :-)
Ahhh, I just saw it and wasn't doing anything meaningful last night.
ahh - sorry we missed each other :-) i'll try to write you a pm next time i run a 1 shot :-)
And you missed a great game! Kenny is a very good DM :D

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Yay! thanks V :-) hope to catch you in another game (wrote your name down, since we dont have "friends" list yet).