Well, technically if you had all of the token_ids I suppose you could loop through them and use one of the built-in distance functions, but how would you tell scriptcards which ids to check against without doing a "select all" beforehand? That would be a pretty expensive brute force operation, not to mention your player wouldn't be able to select any npc tokens. If you tried to use target, you'd have to know the number of targets ahead of time, which kind of defeats the purpose. What you are describing (full automation) sounds like it would best be handled by another api script that scriptcards could call. I would probably just spawn the AoE origin token with a defined radius aura first, then select the tokens in the aura and either use the GroupCheck script or a scriptcard with the selected tokens to make all the saves and display results. You could make the group save macro into a token ability on the AoE origin token's character sheet. Since Spawn can't set auras (yet, that's a good idea for thenext rev), you'd either have a different AoE token for each spell radius, or add a token-mod command to first set the radius based on a query.