How do I get the left padding in the message box shown here: To go away, like this? Even if I delete all my roll template CSS, the left padding in the message box - outside the template - still persists. Help? (Oh, and here's my roll template...) < rolltemplate class = "sheet-rolltemplate-spell" > < table > < caption > {{title}} < br /> {{subtitle}} </ caption > < tr >< td > Type </ td >< td > {{type}} </ td ></ tr > < tr >< td > Range </ td >< td > {{range}} </ td ></ tr > < tr >< td > Duration </ td >< td > {{duration}} </ td ></ tr > < tr >< td class = "description" colspan = "2" > {{description}} </ td ></ tr > </ table > </ rolltemplate >