Ok, I'm stumped. Probably because I haven't coded in 10 years and I don't get all the javascript shorthand like arrow notation :-P
I have a repeating section of weapons. I want to spin through the list and see if the weapon uses a certain skill. If so, then I'm going to change a different value on that weapon. Here's what I'm doing:
getSectionIDs("weapons", function (idarray) {
for (var i=0; i<idarray.length; i++) {
getAttrs(["repeating_weapons_" + idarray[i] + "_weapon_melee_skill"], function(repeatingvalues) {
console.log(repeatingvalues("repeating_weapons_" + idarray[i] + "_weapon_melee_skill"));
{repeating_weapons_-mubbnijfifbgj-fiqii_weapon_melee_skill: "1H Edged"}
How in the world do I get that -mubbnijfifbgj-fiqii so i can reference the field I want to update?
Many thanks in advanced.