I am liking the ScriptCards so far and trying to learn it. I am setting up a Potion Toxicity ScriptCard and it is working find but I have been trying to figure out how to have the script set the save DC to the Rarity of the potion that is picked instead of having all of the DC's in the Save DC section while still working with the Damage section of the script. This is what I have so far. !scriptcard {{
--#title|Potion Toxicity
--=Rarity|?{Potion Rarity?|Common,0|Uncommon,1|Rare,2|Very Rare,3|Legendary,4}
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 1|One
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 2|Two
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 3|Three
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 4|Four
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 5|Five
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 6|Six
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 7|Seven
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 8|Eight
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 9|Nine
--?[$ToxicityRoll] -eq 10|Ten
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9, (Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your stomach twists and turns, visibly wriggling inside you.
--+Damage:|You become **poisoned**, and take [$Damage] acid damage at the end of every hour.
--=Damage|1 + [$Rarity]d8
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your veins begin to glow an unusual color, and your blood feels like it’s burning.
--+Damage:|You take [$Damage] necrotic damage. You also take this damage whenever you’re Effect:ed by a spell that deals damage.
--+Cure:| You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every day, ending the effect on yourself on a success.
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your eyes secrete a thick, cloudy fluid veined with neon color.
--+Damage:|You become **blinded**.
--+Cure:|You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every day, ending the effect on yourself on a success.
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your ears fill with a colorful, gummy substance.
--+Damage:|You become **deafened**. You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every day, ending the Effect: on yourself on a success.
--+Cure:|You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every day, ending the effect on yourself on a success.
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your saliva turns into a thick, glue-like ichor, sealing your mouth shut.
--+Damage:|You can’t speak, and can’t cast spells that require verbal components.
--+Cure:|You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every day, ending the effect on yourself on a success. **Lesser restoration** also ends this Effect:.
--=Damage|1 + [$Rarity]d6
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your legs lose all feeling, and solidify into a chalky, brittle substance.
--+Damage:|At the end of every hour you travel at a normal or fast pace overland, or at the end of every turn in which you move 30 feet or more, you take [$Damage] necrotic damage.
--+Cure:|You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every hour, ending the effect on yourself on a success. **Greater restoration** also ends this effect.
--=Damage|1 + [$Rarity]d8
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your skin becomes translucent, and feels as thin as an insect’s wing.
--+Damage:|You take [$Damage] necrotic damage. You also take this damage whenever you take damage from a weapon attack.
--+Cure:|You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every day, ending the effect on yourself on a success. **Greater restoration** also ends this effect.
--=Damage|1 + [$Rarity]d8
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your thinking slows, and you feel a strange liquid sloshing around within your skull.
--+Damage:|You take [$Damage] psychic damage. You also have disadvantage on Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma saving throws.
--+Cure:|You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every day, ending the effecte on yourself on a success. **Greater restoration** also ends this effect.
--=Damage|1 + [$Rarity]d8
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your limbs feel like jelly, and your flesh becomes slick and wobbles when touched.
--+Damage:|You take [$Damage] necrotic damage.You also have disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws.
--+Cure:|You can repeat the saving throw at the end of every day, ending the effect on yourself on a success. **Greater restoration** also ends this effect.
--+Save DC:| Con Save (Common) 9,(Uncommon) 11, (Rare) 13, (Very Rare) 15, (Legendary) 17
--+Effect:|Your entire body convulses, and then locks up.
--+Damage:|You become **paralyzed** until the start of your next turn. Then, you hiccough, and a tiny frog hops out of your throat.