Apply Now! First session begins this Thursday! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Storm King's Thunder: &nbsp;Ages ago, giants and dragons waged war across the Savage Frontier. These battles are long forgotten by the human civilizations of today, but ancient relics remain. And now, the land shudders once more with the thunder of giant footsteps. Hill giants raid farms for food and livestock, as stone giants lay waste to settlements in their path. Frost giants plunder coastal towns, as fire giants gather slaves. Cloud giant castles drift across the sky, casting ominous shadows on the cities of the North. But no threat compares to the wrath of the storm giants, who stand betrayed. Puny adventurers must rise to the challenge, gather their strength, unlock the power of ancient runes, and take the fight to the giants' doorsteps. Only then can they discover a hidden evil fomenting a war between giants and small folk. Only then can they forge an alliance to end the war before it begins. A Dungeons &amp; Dragons adventure for characters of levels 1–10. For use with the fifth edition Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master's Guide. This adventure takes place after the events described in Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat, but does not directly depend on them. It is not set in a particular year, but is assumed to be after the Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance, 1485 DR, and the orc conflict known as the War of the Silver Marches. About the DM: This will be a modified version of SKT. Combining some homebrew and general changes to the original book as written to help it flow better and be more immersive. As a DM, I'm about 60/40 when it comes to RP/Combat. I believe every session should have a good combat encounter to flex those amazing skills but it should maintain a thematic scene that is engaging and doesn't just make it into a turn based 2d video game. I believe in creative thinking and reading the scenario to your advantage. I'm not a DM here to kill your party, I'm here to tell an engaging story that challenges you and makes you fear for your life. I will kill a character that makes unwise choices in succession and I will leave a small portion of fate up to your possible demise. In the end though, I just want to tell a good story and no good story can be told without strife and conflict. I believe in RAW as a core base, but when RAW gets in the way of a great story or it just doesn't make sense, I will apply Rule of Cool or one time exceptions to help a story along. I am by no means perfect, I will make mistakes. Just remember, I am a DM that's rooting for you to win, just not making it easy to do so. About the Players: Most of the group has extensive experience. Players as a whole lean towards RP more but can/do enjoy a good battle. Everyone is friendly and welcome and we all just enjoy a good time. We currently have the following in our game: A Goliath Wild-Magic Berserker (Tanky Front-liner) Tempest Cleric (Healer) Dwarf Rune Knight (Tanky Front Liner) Rogue: Arcane Trickster Human Wizard Character Creation Rules: Here are some guidelines and rules for everyone to follow when making a character for any session. Please follow these rules when making a character unless the specefic sesison says otherwise. 1. Make the character YOU want. Priority 1 is that you enjoy what you play, priority 2 is figuring out a balanced campaign party. 2. All races &amp; classes listed on DnDBeyond (Not the homebrew sections) are allowed. The DM reserves the right to discuss limited option if a specific race or class may break the overall campaign (For Example: A class with wings who's flight may ruin many encounters.) 3. Some Unearthed Arcana, Critical Role and Homebrew may be allowed. If approved YOU are expected to do the work and know the materials. If I find any of this content is overpowering the campaign, I may ask for it to be limited, edited, removed to re-balance mechanics. 4. For character creation you may use either Average Stats (15,14,13,12,10,8) or Point Buy system. 5. Characters start with standard equipment. 6. NO Chaotic Evil or Neutral Evil characters. You can play Lawful Evil but you'll need to explain how and why it is they would travel the world and help others while being evil. The party holds the right to ask you to change your alignment if it negatively impacts sessions. 7. Please use the Charactermancer option to create your character upon access to the Roll20 campaign. I own just about every book, if an option you want is not there, please let me know. 8. Please try to have a backstory finished as soon as possible. A basic one is needed before you start and a more detailed one for later. I AM a DM that will use backstory details if they make sense and create "Loyalty" quests about your character if it has content I can use. Please leave me content/details that are open ended that allow me to add your history into the campaign. &nbsp;Why I charge? Paid for games encourage more mature players who are here for a more focused game. Paying players often show up to their sessions and on time. The small cost helps pay for my pro membership, all of the source books, the hundred I've spent on assets, the soundcloud subscription allowing me to use quality music and ofcourse, the time and energy I put into each session outside of the game time we already use. House Rules: Buying/Selling Items: There is a folder named "Stores" in everyones journal. In each town you may ask which stores you may be able to find. You may buy any items listed in those stores found in town.&nbsp; -Sell prices are always half of it's normal price.&nbsp; -Buy prices are normal by default unless otherwise stated by the DM.&nbsp; -Items in stock condition are dictated by "Limited", "Rural", "Urban" or "Premium" which is decided by the DM.&nbsp; -Some shops have Themes which may expand their list of options depending on the location, as decided by the DM.&nbsp; Unless you have a reason/need to speak to the shopkeeper. Please post in the Roll20 chat what items you are buying and for what cost to streamline purchases in game and allow us to move forward with story/roleplay content. In general I will not make a big deal of shop purchases unless otherwise requested.&nbsp; -------------- Stealth: You Roll Stealth only at the moment of possible detection. You do not "Enter sneak mode" but rather attempt to sneak when ever you like and roll to maintain it when possibly detected. You must still clarify you are attempting to travel sneakily but the DM will call for a sneak roll when he feels you do something that may alert those around you. You still only roll once per sneak encounter unless attempting to re-enter sneak after detection.&nbsp; -------------- Inspiration: Please create a seperate resource counter for inspiration on your sheet. You can hold as much inspiration as you like. Inspiration can be used to- -Gain advantage on attack, skill check or saving throw or give disadvantage on a Non-Legendary enemies attack, skill check or saving throw.&nbsp; -Re-roll a die such as initiative, Death Save or other roll as allowed by the DM.&nbsp; -“I have a thing for that”: spend a point of inspiration to “remember” their character purchases a mundane item. You must then pay the gold needed to have that item.&nbsp; -“I know someone for that”: spend inspiration to describe a contact who can help with the current situation. Roll a D4 to decide how helpful he is (1-he has a grudge you need to settle first, 2-Not happy to see you, 3-On friendly terms, 4- Owe's you a debt and a favor) DM has descrition on how helpful this NPC can be and the NPC can not join the party or fight.&nbsp; -------------- CLICK! : Whenever a character triggers a trap (or hazard), the GM says “CLICK!” and may add a description of how the character triggered the trap (tripwire, pressure plate, magic rune). Starting with the character who triggered this trap, each player announces what their character does as an immediate response to the trigger (drop prone, cover themself with a shield, roll in a direction). The GM determines whether a character’s action would help, hinder, or not affect their ability to avoid the trap. Then, the trap is resolved using those bonuses/penalties. -------------- Dead Men Tell no Tales: PC Death Saves are whispered to the DM and not disclosed to the group. The player may not disclose their status to the party. The DM will reveal to the party the players status when they attempt to heal, revive or investigate the body.&nbsp; -------------- Life Flashed Before My Eyes: During a Death Save, before rolling, the DM may call for a specific story prompt about your character. If you provide a short memory of your past life, you may role with advantage on your save. -------------- Exhaustion on Death Fail : Characters gain a level of exhaustion at end of combat if they failed a death save during that combat.&nbsp; -------------- Good One Bard! : If the bard uses vicious mockery and their insult makes me laugh out loud, the target gets no saving throw. -------------- Homebrew: There is some light homebrew in the game. Currently we have the following: Monster Harvesting &amp; Crafting : Every monster in the game has unique harvesting materials. To harvest this material requires the correct skills and equipment. These harvested parts can be used to make equipment, brew potions, cook food and even boost spell power. This is a purchased homebrew that's very well designed and makes it so every creature in the game gives a little something. Kusari Weapons : There are two unique Kusari (Chain weapons) than can be purchased in shops. Please note that Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. Apply Now! First session begins this Friday! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;&nbsp;