I've been GMing forever. CoS is arguably the best campaign that WoTC has published to date. There are no weaknesses in this campaign unlike many other published WoTC campaigns. Very little the GM has to "fix". Beautiful maps, compelling bad guy, great story, deep NPCs, insanely challenging end to the campaign in arguably the best RPG castle design ever. I need 2 for a new campaign starting next Saturday night at 6pm Mountain. I'm looking for players who are good in a group. I don't want power gamers, so if you've played this already and want to run to the goodies, please don't apply. I prefer players who haven't played this yet, but if you have already, make a case to me. I have 4 players who have been with me for quite a while now and they are all really good together, laid back and fun to play with. Looking for same. PM me if interested.