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Roll20 Campaigns not functioning - greyed and frozen

I tried logging in as a player into a friends campaign Saturday but I was seeing just a grey tinged screen, unable to move any icons, unable to maniupulate any aspect of the screen and so forth. I logged in as a GM later into my own games but found it to be the same. I deleted several old campaigns thinking this may help but it did not.
What browser are you using?
I'm suffering from this as well. All I can do when this happens is use the toolbar on the left, change one's own colour/name and use any set macros, otherwise nothing. I'm currently using firefox 24.5.0 as that's the latest one available to Debian users. I have tried checking between a campaign this happens on and one it doesn't and all error messages are the same between after a comparative look at the web console output.
Using he latest firefox
Looked this up <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> but found I cant even manipulate the settings on the right hand menu - that too is greyed out

Edited 1401971378
Also checked this - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Using the menu of the map tab I disabled fog of war but the map is still greyed, none of the menu options on the left work and I am still unable to scroll, manipulate or move the map like before.

Edited 1401979204
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
It seems like there is an issue going on with Firefox and the WebRTC stuff where for some reason it's showing as greyed out? I think those other threads are a different issue. Brett: To confirm, which version of Firefox specifically is it? And can you get me a screenshot so I can see what's happening? Did you try changing your "VideoTech" to "None" under the Settings tab in game?
Null said: I use Roll20 regularly for different campaigns, mostly as a player and this is the first time this has happened to me. I use firefox and it is up to date. Trying to join the campaign "Star Wars: Edge of The Empire" on my campaign list as a player has the entire page grey out. I cannot put in any input after the page fully loads. While the campaign loads I can swap tabs within Roll20 from the chat to the settings but once it has finished loading it locks up and grays out as if it is supposed to be showing a popup or warning. No popup is displayed. This is the only campaign that does this, I can load any other campaign I have already joined in the past without any problems It works properly when using Chrome. Firefox Version: 29.0.1 I have pictures of the various states described. For the sake of sizes I'll just post links to imgur. Here is the campaign fully loaded in Firefox, cannot manipulate anything: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> While the campaign is loading I can use the interface, here is the Settings Tab: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> When the campaign loads fully, it locks me out once more: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Interesting things to note. Before this problem occurred I was getting an Error Popup that Firefox wasn't compatible with the Video+Voice support of Roll20 and would always have to manually turn it off, which is fine as I hate using it. Now I do not get that popup to close but my interface is locked out as if I had. You can also see in the settings tab that Video+Voice support is enabled as it loads but is disabled once fully loaded, once the lockout occurs. Changing those settings while it is loading has no effect.
It looks like you have several addons running there that could be interfering. Please follow these steps and see if that helps: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Riley D. said: It looks like you have several addons running there that could be interfering. Please follow these steps and see if that helps: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Noscript has never actually caused something to freeze up, if it was a problem it would have prevented it from even loading in the first place. Problem still persists after disabling all addons and restarting Firefox. Exact same symptoms. I should note that the DM for this game also had the exact same problem I am having with Firefox and Roll20. He was forced to use Chrome as well to run the campaign. But here is the Console Log as requested by that article. "TB.setLogLevel(5)" opentok.min.js:50 "OpenTok JavaScript library v2.2.5.1" opentok.min.js:50 "Release notes: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" opentok.min.js:50 "Known issues: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" opentok.min.js:50 "OT.setLogLevel(5)" opentok.min.js:50 70 app.js:22 "TOUCH SUPPORTED: false" app.js:23 "USING WEBGL ACCELERATION..." app.js:23 Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery.min.js:2 "select" app.js:18 "Switch mode to select" app.js:18 Use of attributes' specified attribute is deprecated. It always returns true. jquery.min.js:2 "Initializing new dice engine with randomness..." app.js:32 "Using random entropy" app.js:32 "window resize" app.js:35 "UPDATE GL SIZE!" app.js:23 "tuts loaded" tutorial_tips.js:7 "Final page load." app.js:28 "Scan for new plays!" app.js:28 "Auth'ed." app.js:28 "Go post auth!" app.js:28 "Scan for new plays!" app.js:28 "initial setup" app.js:28 "Got players value..." app.js:28 "joining game..." app.js:28 "Player -JMbMRknfrV2y_CYkus2 is offline..." app.js:26 "Player -JMsLAcKQpaaTOrbrG9T is offline..." app.js:26 "Player -JOd5OS2llUlYKHDnb0i is offline..." app.js:26 "Player -JOd5VRJpw7y9lomPXhM is offline..." app.js:26 "Player -JOd5w1yRKaLo-n-5H3C is offline..." app.js:26 "Deferred finish joining..." app.js:28 "Firebase Online" app.js:22 "Full load page!" app.js:26 "We have 5 pages" app.js:28 "handle page changes" app.js:28 false app.js:28 "Do refresh link cache!" app.js:25 "init active page!" app.js:28 "activate page!" app.js:26 "FULLY ACTIVATE VIEWS FOR PAGE." app.js:26 "Graphics: 0" app.js:26 "Paths: 0" app.js:26 "Reorder by ZORDER" app.js:26 "Search took 4ms" app.js:33 "initiatlizing video chat" app.js:33 "Error while initiatlizing video chat." app.js:33 TypeError: d.on is not a function Stack trace: OT.Collection/this.add@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> OT.initSession@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> d20.opentokwebrtc.init@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> X&lt;.joinGame/e/&lt;/&lt;@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> app.js:33 SyntaxError: JSON.parse: end of data after property value in object at line 1 column 14 of the JSON data upgrade.html:217 "Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" app.js:25 "Reorder by ZORDER" app.js:26 "Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" app.js:25 "Reorder by ZORDER" app.js:26 "Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" app.js:25 "Reorder by ZORDER" app.js:26 "setting src" app.js:25 "Cols: 2 Rows: 2" app.js:21 "Took 201ms to generate cache." app.js:21 "window resize" app.js:35 "UPDATE GL SIZE!" app.js:23 GET <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
What he said
Thanks, I've forwarded the console log to Tokbox and hopefully they will be able to track down the source of the issue...
Yeah, I'm having the exact same problem.
I just tried to roll out a small code change that *might* have fixed this. Did it work? :-)
I am still having this problem unfortunately, So It seems your fix did not work, or at least did not work for all cases.
Reoccuring problem. No freezes but grayed and cannot participate. Really annoying
Okay. We'll keep looking into it. Just so you're all aware, you can switch to Chrome temporarily and this problem will be resolved until we can fix it in Firefox. Sorry for the trouble.
For me it's just stuck on Loading.... on either Chrome or Firefox and on multiple different computers. Hasn't been working for the last 6 hours or so.
Alex J. said: For me it's just stuck on Loading.... on either Chrome or Firefox and on multiple different computers. Hasn't been working for the last 6 hours or so. That doesn't really seem like the same issue. Can you take a look at this? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And then start a new thread.
Apologies for jumping into the wrong thread. It turns out it's a bug with the S&W character sheet. Use it and the campaign doesn't load. Change to any other sheet and it works again.
Riley, new data for you. Same version of Firefox, problem persists after the code push. Problem occurs on any newly created campaign, not just the campaign I named before. Existing campaigns don't have this problem. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess that it does have something to do with the Video+Voice integration and Firefox. The past campaigns I have played in I have turned all of those features off and I can still use those. New campaigns default that to be turned on. Maybe defaulting Video+Voice to off and removing the incompatibility warning would be a short term fix?
I was able to get a friend of mine to log into my account and switch off the Video+Voice stuff, and everything seems to be working now. But until that stuff is off by default, I wouldn't be able to get into any new campaigns. Hope that helps anyone.
Null said: "initiatlizing video chat" app.js:33 "Error while initiatlizing video chat." app.js:33 TypeError: d.on is not a function This is what is really getting to me, as Firefox isn't displaying the error box it used to. Before this problem an error message would appear and Roll20 would be greyed out until the box was closed. Now the box doesn't appear at all. That plus Steven's resolution gives a pretty strong indicator.
Indeed, that is the problem, as I said we're working with Tokbox on a solution. Hope to have one sometime today. If anyone is having this problem and can't get in their campaign to turn off the WebRTC let me know and I can do it for you. Just give me the link to the campaign details page.
thanks for keeping on this Riley - I appreciate Roll20 a lot. I'll Chrome in the interim.
Just to confirm, the folks having this issue on Firefox, what is your OS and what version of Firefox are you using?
I am on Linux (Slackware 14.1 ) with Firefox 24.6.0, it didn't work on Fedora with the 30.0 version of firefox either however. It does seem to work on Chromium at least? (I do not have/use regular chrome to see if it works there)
Symptoms unchanged. Firefox v30.0 and Windows 7.
Using Firefox 21.0 and Win 7 and have the same issue.

Edited 1404703895
Firefox 30.0 and Windows 7. I'm a newbie to Roll20, but it looks like maybe the campaign doesn't recognize me as somebody with editing privilieges. I can roll dice just fine, and the chat registers them, and I can open toolbar dialogues (like those where you edit turns) but it's like there's a gray layer between me and the map (and chat). The editor worked just fine for the first time I used it. The layer occured after I had closed the campaign and decided to open it for editing again. I can list the things I did: I added a premade picture map, scaled it to match the map grids, I drew with the draw tool, I added two monster tokens, I played around with their bars, and the last thing I did was to disable editing privileges for those bars, so that players (I believe) couldn't edit or view them. That doesn't seem like advanced stuff. If you suspect that this may be due to NoScript, you may be correct, because for every website I visit, I experiment with what sites to allow to run scripts, producing a bare minimum of access. Three sites that I didn't allow at any point during my first session, was, google-analytics, and googletagservices. However, once I became stuck at this gray-frozen state, even allowing *all* the sites access, doesn't unlock it. As I understand it, changes its subdomain, so I cannot predict what subdomain to have allowed there. Asking me to always allow everything that any subdomain of cloudfront sends my way while I'm browing any site, isn't an option, so at least when it comes to that site, you cannot expect users to always have allowed the necessary scripts when they load the campaign. Edited: What is *not* grayed out, is the following: The Page Toolbar. (You can switch maps and change settings and those settings affect the map.) The zoom slider next to that toolbar. The player avatar (in the bottom left corner). (You can change a color for something, but I don't know what for.) The toolbar (to the left) (although the icons look kinda grayed out). While the cursor doesn't interact with the map, you can do things like change layers, change drawing mode (but not draw or click on the drawing sub-menus), zoom, bring up the reset fog dialogue (but I cannot confirm if the fog actually resets), open the Turn Order and Turn Order Settings dialogue (but I don't want to mess around with the settings there to see if they work, as I'm new), open the Dice Roller and roll dice (3D dice works.) that way (and the chat registers those rolls), and go to all the documentation and help page links.

Edited 1404739700
Here's the errors and warnings I got in the console log with NoScript only blocking Google ads. (I've replaced anything looking like personal data with XXX.) Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource: An attempt to execute inline scripts has been blocked editor:8 Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource: An attempt to execute inline scripts has been blocked editor:9 ... Use of attributes' specified attribute is deprecated. It always returns true. jquery.min.js:2 ... Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery.min.js:2 ReferenceError: g is not defined XXX.js line 1 &gt; eval:1 ReferenceError: botguard is not defined www-embed-player-XXX.js:24 ... Error: WebGL: linkProgram failed, with this log: Precisions for uniform renderType do not match between the vertex and fragment shader app.js:15 ... "initiatlizing video chat" app.js:33 "Error while initiatlizing video chat." app.js:33 TypeError: e.on is not a function Stack trace: OT.Collection/this.add@ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> OT.initSession@ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> d20.opentokwebrtc.init@ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> X&lt;.joinGame/e/&lt;/&lt;@ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> app.js:33 SyntaxError: JSON.parse: end of data after property value in object at line 1 column 14 of the JSON data upgrade.html:217 ... Edit: If it's the type error causing this, then it can be found by opening this script: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.... ...and searching for this line: e.on("updated",c,this); Edit 2: Also "initiatlizing" should be "initializing".

Edited 1404737520
Update: Well, I traced down ONE error, at least: In upgrade.html, while probably pasting in a new section about mobile browsers at line 199 to 206, the tabulation for this section didn't match the tabulation for the code. Adding to the confusion is row 207, that isn't properly tabulated either, so the coder made the mistake of adding yet another div closing tag at row 208. Solution: Email the guys coding opentok (at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ), and tell them to fix the tabulation and remove row 208.

Edited 1404785592
I tried creating a completely new campaign from scratch, and it turns out that now it doesn't even work the *first* time around. I used no character sheet template this time, and had NoScript allow everything. (Again, I replaced what looked like personal data with XXX.) Console log warnings and errors: ... Use of attributes' specified attribute is deprecated. It always returns true. jquery.min.js:2 ... "joining game..." app.js:28 "Player -XXX-XXX is offline..." app.js:26 "Deferred finish joining..." app.js:28 ... "initiatlizing video chat" app.js:33 Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery.min.js:2 "Error while initiatlizing video chat." app.js:33 TypeError: e.on is not a function Stack trace: OT.Collection/this.add@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> OT.initSession@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> d20.opentokwebrtc.init@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> X&lt;.joinGame/e/&lt;/&lt;@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> app.js:33 SyntaxError: JSON.parse: end of data after property value in object at line 1 column 14 of the JSON data upgrade.html:217 "NEED TO UPGRADE ZORDER!" app.js:26 "Upgrading to new ZORDER" app.js:26 Array [ ] app.js:26 Array [ ] app.js:26 "Reorder by ZORDER" app.js:26 Here's some log typos, by the way (capitalizations aside): "refershing page listings!" should be "refreshing page listings!". "Wnated to reorder, but still old, wati for uprade..." should probably be "Wanted to reorder, but still old. Waiting for upgrade...". "initiatlizing" should (in both cases) be "initializing". Update edit: The "player is offline" message, led me to sign out of Roll20 and sign in again, and relaunch the fresh campaign, and it still says that I'm offline. Does it mean that my *camera* is offline, or is there some problem with connecting?
Temporary fix: In order to access the campaign, have NoScript installed, and disable I feel so stupid for not doing it sooner. You may not have video capabilities, but you can at least work on your campaign. (I can't confirm if you can play it too.)
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Michail M. said: Temporary fix: In order to access the campaign, have NoScript installed, and disable I feel so stupid for not doing it sooner. You may not have video capabilities, but you can at least work on your campaign. (I can't confirm if you can play it too.) I think you can white list instead of disabling it.
Pat S. said: Michail M. said: Temporary fix: In order to access the campaign, have NoScript installed, and disable I feel so stupid for not doing it sooner. You may not have video capabilities, but you can at least work on your campaign. (I can't confirm if you can play it too.) I think you can white list instead of disabling it. Whitelist the program that locks up the campaign when it's run? Why would I do that?
We've sent this over to Tokbox, but glad there's at least a workaround for now.
I just pushed out an update which removes the "you need to upgrade" dialog which I *think* may have been causing this issue. Can you check with your Noscript disabled and see if it fixed the issue for you? Thanks!
All of my campaigns are dead right now...just gray screen. I tried in two different browsers and OS's.
Bruce Same issue. Everything is broken with a gray background. I can't even use the exit button.
Try now should be fixed.
Riley D. It's fixed. Well done.
I confirm that it's working with allowed now. :) However, I still get the serious-sounding error "TypeError: e.on is not a function" (as well as other minor warnings and errors).