Here is a set of Scriptcard-based macros I built for my OOTA D&D 5e campaign to select a type of Madness for a character. It's been updated from my previous version as I finally figured out how to use [button] logic. As you will see by looking at the code, I had to create like 13 different macros to support the branching logic of buttons. I wish buttons could be used to branch to labels within the same macro, as it would be much easier to support. Also, I discovered a number of bugs in my previous version (Label names are case-sensitive) that I've corrected in the logic below. #Madness (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--+[c][#C43112]~~~~Madness Type?~~~~[/#][/c]|
--+|[c][button]Short Term::!
#MadST[/button][button]Long Term::!
#MadInd[/button][button]Demon Lord::!
#MadST (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|Short Term Madness
--#leftsub|Lasts [$MadTime] minutes
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 30|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 50|Mad4
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad5
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 70|Mad6
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 75|Mad7
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad8
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 90|Mad9|Mad10
--:Mad1| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] retreats into his or her mind and becomes [b][#C43112]paralyzed[/#][/b]. The effect ends if [b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] takes any damage. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] becomes incapacitated and spends the duration screaming, laughing, or weeping. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] becomes [b][#C43112]frightened[/#][/b] and must use his or her action and movement each round to flee from the source of the fear. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] begins babbling and is incapable of normal speech or spellcasting. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] must use his or her action each round to attack the nearest creature. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad6| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] experiences vivid hallucinations and has [b][#C43112]disadvantage[/#][/b] on ability checks. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad7| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] does whatever anyone tells him or her to do that isn’t obviously self-destructive. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad8| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] experiences an overpowering urge to eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or offal. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad9| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] is [b][#C43112]stunned[/#][/b]. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad10| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] falls [b][#C43112]unconscious[/#][/b]. --^ShowMadness|
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote Short Term Madness([$MadTime] minutes): [&Madness]
#MadLT (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|Long Term Madness
--=MadTime|1d10 * 10
--#leftsub|Duration: [$MadTime] hours
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 10|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 30|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad4
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 45|Mad5
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 55|Mad6
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 65|Mad7
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 75|Mad8
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 85|Mad9
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 90|Mad10
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 95|Mad11|Mad12
--:Mad1| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] feels compelled to repeat a specific activity over and over, such as washing hands, touching things, praying, or counting coins. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] experiences vivid hallucinations and has disadvantage on ability checks. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] suffers extreme paranoia. [b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] has disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] regards something (usually the source of madness) with intense revulsion, as if affected by the antipathy effect of the antipathy/sympathy spell. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] experiences a powerful delusion. Choose a potion. [b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] imagines that he or she is under its effects. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad6| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] becomes attached to a “lucky charm,” such as a person or an object, and has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws while more than 30 feet from it. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad7| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] is blinded (25%) or deafened (75%). --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad8| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] experiences uncontrollable tremors or tics, which impose disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws that involve Strength or Dexterity. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad9| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] suffers from partial amnesia. [b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] knows who he or she is and retains racial traits and class features, but doesn’t recognize other people or remember anything that happened before the madness took effect. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad10| --&Madness|Whenever [b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] takes damage, he or she must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be affected as though he or she failed a saving throw against the confusion spell. The confusion effect lasts for 1 minute.. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad11| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] loses the ability to speak. --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad12| --&Madness|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] falls [b]unconscious[/b]. No amount of jostling or damage can wake [b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b]. --^ShowMadness|
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote Long Term Madness([$MadTime] hours): [&Madness]
#MadInd (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|Indefinite Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 15|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 25|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 30|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 35|Mad4
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 45|Mad5
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 50|Mad6
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 55|Mad7
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 70|Mad8
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad9
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 85|Mad10
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 95|Mad11|Mad12
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“Being drunk keeps me sane.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|“I keep whatever I find.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|“I try to become more like someone else I know — adopting his or her style of dress, mannerisms, and name.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“I must bend the truth, exaggerate, or outright lie to be interesting to other people.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“Achieving my goal is the only thing of interest to me, and I’ll ignore everything else to pursue it.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad6| --&Madness|“I find it hard to care about anything that goes on around me.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad7| --&Madness|“I don’t like the way people judge me all the time.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad8| --&Madness|“I am the smartest, wisest, strongest, fastest, and most beautiful person I know.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad9| --&Madness|“I am convinced that powerful enemies are hunting me, and their agents are everywhere I go. I am sure they’re watching me all the time.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad10| --&Madness|“There’s only one person I can trust. And only I can see this special friend.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad11| --&Madness|“I can’t take anything seriously. The more serious the situation, the funnier I find it.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad12| --&Madness|“I’ve discovered that I really like killing people.” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote Indefinite Madness: [&Madness]
#MadDL (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|Demon Lord Madness
--+[c][#C43112]~~~~Demon Lord?~~~~[/#][/c]|
#MadDL_Bap[/button] [button]Demogorgon::!
#MadDL_Fra[/button] [button]Grazzt::!
#MadDL_Jui[/button] [button]Orcas::!
#MadDL_Yee[/button] [button]Zuggtmoy::!
#MadDL_Bap (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|[&DL] Induced Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad4|Mad5
--+[c][#C43112]Something went wrong!!![/#][/c]|
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“My anger consumes me. I can’t be reasoned with when my rage has been stoked.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|“I degenerate into beastly behavior, seeming more like a wild animal than a thinking being.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|“The world is my hunting ground. Others are my prey.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“Hate comes easily to me and explodes into rage.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“I see those who oppose me not as people, but as beasts meant to be preyed upon.” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote [&DL] the Demon Lord Madness(Indefinite): [&Madness]
#MadDL_Dem (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|[&DL] Induced Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad4|Mad5
--+[c][#C43112]Something went wrong!!![/#][/c]|
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“Someone is plotting to kill me. I need to strike first to stop them!” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|“There is only one solution to my problems: kill them all!” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|“There is more than one mind inside my head.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“If you don’t agree with me, I’ll beat you into submission to get my way.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“I can’t allow anyone to touch anything that belongs to me. They might try to take it away from me!” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote [&DL] the Demon Lord Madness(Indefinite): [&Madness]
#MadDL_Fra (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|[&DL] Induced Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--#title|Fraz-Urbluu Madness
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad4|Mad5
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“I never let anyone know the truth about my actions or intentions, even if doing so would be beneficial to me.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|“I have intermittent hallucinations and fits of catatonia.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|“My mind wanders as I have elaborate fantasies that have no bearing on reality. When I return my focus to the world, I have a hard time remembering that it was just a daydream.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“I convince myself that things are true, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“My perception of reality doesn’t match anyone else’s. It makes me prone to violent delusions that make no sense to anyone else.” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote [&DL] the Demon Lord Madness(Indefinite): [&Madness]
#MadDL_Gra (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|[&DL] Induced Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad4
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 90|Mad5|Mad6
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“There is nothing in the world more important than me and my desires.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|“Anyone who doesn’t do exactly what I say doesn’t deserve to live.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|“Mine is the path of redemption. Anyone who says otherwise is intentionally misleading you.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“I will not rest until I have made someone else mine, and doing so is more important to me than my own life—or the lives of others.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“My own pleasure is of paramount importance. Everything else, including social graces, is a triviality.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad6| --&Madness|“Anything that can bring me happiness should be enjoyed immediately. There is no point to saving anything pleasurable for later.” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote [&DL] the Demon Lord Madness(Indefinite): [&Madness]
#MadDL_Jui (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|[&DL] Induced Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad4|Mad5
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“I must consume everything I can!” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|“I refuse to part with any of my possessions.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|“I’ll do everything I can to get others to eat and drink beyond their normal limits.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“I must possess as many material goods as I can.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“My personality is irrelevant. I am defined by what I consume.” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote [&DL] the Demon Lord Madness(Indefinite): [&Madness]
#MadDL_Orc (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|[&DL] Induced Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad4|Mad5
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“I often become withdrawn and moody, dwelling on the insufferable state of life.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|“I am compelled to make the weak suffer.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|“I have no compunction against tampering with the dead in my search to better understand death.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“I want to achieve the everlasting existence of undeath.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“I am awash in the awareness of life’s futility.” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote [&DL] the Demon Lord Madness(Indefinite): [&Madness]
#MadDL_Yee (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|[&DL] Induced Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad4|DLBYMad5
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“I get caught up in the flow of anger, and try to stoke others around me into forming an angry mob.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2| --&Madness|“The flesh of other intelligent creatures is delicious!” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3| --&Madness|“I rail against the laws and customs of civilization, attempting to return to a more primitive time.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“I hunger for the deaths of others, and am constantly starting fights in the hope of seeing bloodshed.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“I keep trophies from the bodies I have slain, turning them into adornments.” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote [&DL] the Demon Lord Madness(Indefinite): [&Madness]
#MadDL_Zug (Macro)
!scriptcard {{
--#title|[&DL] Induced Madness
--#leftsub|Duration: Until cured
--#whisper|gm, self
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 20|Mad1
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 40|Mad2
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 60|Mad3
--?[$MadRoll.Total] -le 80|Mad4|Mad1
--:Mad1| --&Madness|“I see visions in the world around me that others do not.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad2|| --&Madness|“I periodically slip into a catatonic state, staring off into the distance for long stretches at a time.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad3|| --&Madness|“I see an altered version of reality, with my mind convincing itself that things are true even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad4| --&Madness|“My mind is slipping away, and my intelligence seems to wax and wane.” --^ShowMadness|
--:Mad5| --&Madness|“I am constantly scratching at unseen fungal infections.” --^ShowMadness|
--+|[b][#1212C4]@{selected|token_name}[/#][/b] - [&Madness]
--@forselected+|add-cgmnote [&DL] the Demon Lord Madness(Indefinite): [&Madness]